My paint won't dry!!

Ok guys ans gals I would like some ideas please. I painted my Revell 1:72 Hawk on Sunday and the paint still isn’t fully dry 5 days later. I was using Revell enamal, with Revell thinners, as I always do, but it just won’t dry. I applied the paint over a base coat of Lifecolour acrylic, where as I usually base coat with Tamiya acrylic, but this is the only deviation of my normal technique. Has anyone else had this problem before as this is the first time in 20 years its happened to me. Thanks for any replies, Mark

This has never happened to me. I have had drying troubles but not for this long. All i can think of is that it may be the heat where you live or it may not be in a very good drying place. Sorry i cant help much.


This is England Randy, we don’t get heat, we get cold and not so cold!!! 4 seasons and only one temperature, British summer = Philadelphia winter, you know what I mean lol

just turn on a fan and it will dry instantly lol not really instantly but with in about 25 minutes if your having drying problems like that now


I am suffering the same problem I think, paint is not wet but tacky correct. My flat also has a slight sheen to it. I believe it stems from a leeetle too much thinner when I made my airbrush mix. I just went ahead and continued to work, just had to use gloves and keep the model protected from dust between sessions. I am about to apply a dullcoat and see if that fixes my problem.

How about using a hair dryer to speed up things a bit?
The warm air wil help cure the paint in a manner similar to what a spray booth does for a car paint job.

I have done this sucessfully with many types of paints.
