Hey everyone! I’m back with some more of my progress on my latest builds. One is completed, seven more are almost completed and another one has been started already and the construction is completed. Anyway, without further ado…
Here is the one completed:
Here is the seven that are almost finished. First is the Tow Tractor that came with the 1/72 scale Academy Ambulance Set:
I’m almost ready to decal some of these next trucks now. This is the first one of the 1/72 scale Airfix Refueling Set that I was building; the 500-gallon capacity Bedford:
This is the sister truck from the Airfix refueling set. This is the 2500-gallon truck:
Next, the Russian PARM Maintenance truck by PST:
Now we come to the German Opel Blitz Fuel truck:
Followed by the Opel Blitz cargo truck (Late):
Next is the US Army Duece-and-a-half:
And now the whole ‘family’ together:
And I decided to start this little guy. It’s by the same company that does the Ford Model T Ambulance I built. This is the Ford Model T Scout Car used in WWI by Britain mostly until the US showed up.
Note the No. 11 Exacto blade next to it for size reference. I had this built in about 30-40 minutes. I added the gear shift and parking brake from extras I had in the Academy Opel Blitz Truck set. Tomorrow when I do more touchups on the trucks for the Group Build I’ll paint this little guy and have him ready for decals in another day.
Enjoy. Comments are welcome.