Hello all. Figured I would at the very least introduce myself before becoming a lees than prolific poster here. I may have posted once on the old forum (can’t remember), but consider this to be my first actual post.
I’ve been a longtime reader of FSM since the 1982 issue with the introductory price. Have almost all of them since then. Been building since before then, although not at a fast rate.
Main interests are 1/35 armour, 1/72 aircraft, 1/25 trucks, and various sci-fi. Been lurking the old forum for years, but this new forum has finally persuaded me to become more active.
I’m located in Canada. I travel a lot for work and have two very busy young minions keeping me on my toes when home. With those restrictions I do find it tough to spend a decent time modelling, but do carve out some time to have a bunch of half finished kits on the go.
Looking forward to being involved here and maybe getting some model boxes emptied.