August 13, 2003, 6:19pm
well here goes, hope it works. I threw together a aol page. Oh, and the model of course!
I’m pretty much clueless on this computer as well as models but see what you think so far. It isn’t complete yet. (the model)
Looks ok from here. What scale is it by the way?
August 13, 2003, 6:41pm
thanks Dwight. Its a 1/35 Tamiya M8. As near as I can figure it’s from 1974. It’s also too darn small for my big clumsy hands!!! If I’m gonna post I’ll need something better than a web-cam to take the shots.
13b20 very nice
heres 13b20s model for those too lazy to click on the link[:)]
Looking good 13b20 !!!
Now you got me wanting to make another one of these little fellas.
Thank you for sharing with us and keep up the good work.
Looks real nice. Keep it up.
Great looking model. Keep up the good work.
August 14, 2003, 4:50am
Very nice!
And looking at the lineup of the pix there on Caveman’s post, you’d think that little critter took out the Maus!
August 14, 2003, 6:57am
That looks really good 13b20! Keep up the good work and keep sharing.
looks good to me sergeant!
First off…I’m new to this forum, but looking at that M8 howitzer I decided to post a link to some of my work.
I got pics on webshots, here’s the link:
Hope you like 'em … fell free to critisize or whatever, I won’t take it personal…well just remember the 25 pounder is not finished.
take it sloooooooooooooooo windtalker
No criticism coming from my direction Windtalker … looks like a nice clean build you have going there.
Thanks for sharing.
August 15, 2003, 1:39pm
Wow! Thank you all for your kindnesses! I guess I’ll have to start one of my aircraft now. (that could be good or bad!) Has anyone seen any M109’s out there? In a larger scale hopefully?!
August 15, 2003, 1:41pm
By the by… Thanks CAPTAIN CAAAAVEMAAANN! I remember the 'toon also.