My first diorama

So I made a base for this Russian tank I made (from last weeks post). I give myself a C. Some things like the depth of the “snow” were not what I wanted. I wanted deeper for the tank to sit in but that was going to turn into a bloody mess. . .Yes call me a geek. But it keeps me off the crack and out of strip joints. Also I might use a different compound for the snow next time. Molding paste is not easy to smooth out (at least for me). . . Suggestions are MUCH appreciated.


Not a bad effort at all, IMHO. Always time to learn and grow as you go along. [Y]

One suggestion I’ll pass on from winter dioramas I’ve observed over the years. If you can ‘drift’ your snow – as though a stiff winter wind is whipping it and piling it up in a particular direction – it helps elevate the image in the eye (and mind) of the observer from ‘static’ to ‘dynamic’…which always helps ‘sell’ the illusion. In Youtube vids I’ve seen, it might be as simple as propping your base up at a slight angle when you apply whatever snow product you’re using. (That would obviously apply more to powders than paste. [:D])

Anyway, great job, and keep at it!


Looks good to me! It’s making me cold looking at it and that’s what you want!

If you want it deeper you probably should make the ‘snow’ out of plaster or stryrofoam, whatever and then sprinkle the molding paste over top of it.

I really like Greg’s suggestion, I’ve stealing that for my own dios.

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Superb! Very convincing dio!

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I think that looks very good. You might consider using model railway scenic “snow” as a light coat in a few places to make it glisten. As for snowdrifts, you could roughly scuplt styrofam and then coat with spackle, glazing compound, Durham’s Water Putty or acrylic artist paste. Then paint. I have used a thick coat of acrylic white primer as snow and ice and it worked out for me.

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Fine looking diarama and very interesting tips to boot.

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Beautiful diorama KeithRob! I like the snow buildup on the tracks and wheels, the rust on the various tank parts, the dried bushes, the barbed wire. Very realisticc looking.

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I don’t know. You seem to have done a fine job to me! I like the snow buildup in the treads and on the tanks deck. Nice job overall for the first one .Now what dio is next?

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Great job for your first try.

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Vey nice job,im not a nit picker, I dont see anything obvious.
Figures always bring dios to life try a couple next time


I like this simple but very effectively cold diorama. The frozen ice/snow on the fenders and glacis plate really accentuate what I just wrote. Very, very nice, indeed.

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Looks colder than it is outside my house today….and that’s pretty cold. I think you captured the look really well. I haven’t tried a winter diorama or even a base with snow yet, but yours definitely pushes me to try it.

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