Just thought since most of you have been kind enough to submit pictures of your kits I would post one of my latest. It’s the little known F-29C version that the 57th TFW used as an aggressor out at Nellis in the mid to late 80’s. There was only one of these and they kept it up at Tenopah with the Migs and photos were stictly prohibited. If you believe any of this, let me know, I have some property in Florida I’m looking to
get rid of[;)]
Well, it does look good in those colours, I have to say!
I like it. Really nice.
BTW I don’t need property in FL. I already have a bridgein NY and a beach in AZ.[:D]
You should upload some pics of that in the aircraft gallery, look in my sig. for instructions,
Hi Eagle That F29 is way cool, just the sort of thing that i like doing. My next “oddball” project is a Fairey Rotodyne in RAF sand and stone transport command marks with a winch over the door (from a matchbox Chinook that never got finnished), a Landrover and trailer inside(maybe), lift hooks on the underside and whatever takes my fancy whilst building it . and a refueling boom(just thought of that). oh and fuel tanks under the wings. …Gregers
Whaz up Eagle334,
Pretty sweet lookin my friend!! I think Mike P would be interested in your property down in FL[:p]
Flaps up,Mike
If the property is twenty miles east of Miami Beach, I already own it. I am willing to sell for a good price. [:D]
Hey Eagle, nice shot. That twill comes in handy doesn’t it? [;)]
Anyhoo, this model, along with some more of Eagle’s work will be appearing on my website soon. I’ve neglected it too long and have decided to revamp it a bit and hopefully expand it some.
Also, one of our newer FSM’ers, dstang, will have some of his work appear on my site. The link is in my signature, please check it out!
Also, please drop by the rapidly growing Scale Hobby forums.
Fade to Black…
Awesome stuff!
I saw a hypothetical X-29 done up in one of those experimental naval “Ferris” schemes once. The guy who built it went all out on it: beefed up landing gear, tail hook, wing folds…
Also saw another guy graft the nose of an old Esci two seat F-5F onto it to create a USAF TF-29 trainer.
Man, that thing had possibilities!
Eagle… That is a sweet build!! Wish it really did exist…
I don’t know much, but I know what I like when I see it. Nicely done.[8D]