i dont know if youll be able to help me, but i hope so. ive seen tanks in fsm that have a mud mix on their amor plates. in the mix there is little pieces of grass too. how do you make this mix?
There are various ways to reproduce mud on a tank. One of the easiest that I have used is to mix a little putty with some “organics” from model railway stores. Apply this to the model and dry brush with earth tone colors. The easiest that I’ve seen done (and surprisingly looked good too) I know a modeller who rolled his finished model in a mud puddle outside of his business. I hate to say it…but it looked good. Who’d a thunk.
what kind of putty? and do u mix the paint in with the mix? thanks.
I’ve used Squadron White Putty, Testors Contour Putty, Mr. Putty…they all seen to work. I do not mix my paint in before…I paint it after.
[8D]thanks. i am planning on putting tall grass in the putty mixture, how short does it need to be? also what color paint do u paint it with?[|)]
How tall or short can grass be…hhhhhmmmm
that would be up to you but no more than say 1/2 - 3/4 inch. All you need are little bits of it sticking out. The colour is up to you…whatever earth tones you are going to use will be ok.
for just plain mud, mix white glue, talcom powder, and water in 1:1:1 mixture.if desired, mix paint in, 1:1 with the previous formula. works wonders.
I’ve also heard of people using gesso medium, sold in art stores to prepare raw canvas for painting. It’s thick, gooey and dries slow.
thanks[:p][:)][B)][:0][:X][^][:(!][8][}:)][:D][8D][;)][:(][xx(][V][?][|)][8)][:o)][:I] ha
Yep , use real mud. After all it s real.
thanks for all the help!