MT-LB with ZU-23-2

SKIF’s MT-LB with ZU-23-2 - By “Art Instructor”:

This is from my latest page:

Comments and suggestions are welcome!

nice!! it’s so nice to see stuff other than ww2 here once in awhile. breaks up the mundane! that asie art did a good job! [tup]

Very nice work!

I started that same project after seeing it on Missing Lynx about ten years ago; but never finished it. Getting ready to finish it up after I get done with the Revell Marder 1A3.

I for one don’t think this is one of Art Instructor’s better builds, interesting subject but you can tell he didn’t put any time into it.[:(] There’s some glaring seams on the barrels, the lenses are just painted, the window hatches(which could have been cut out) are simply painted black, and the decals are silvering.

Quite a unique, interesting vehicle!

You gotta love those Soviet platforms they used. Pretty neat stuff!

I saw one used as an ammo carrier by the Iraqis during ODS.

I almost got blown to itsy bitsy pieces when I opened one of the rear hatches and a Sagger anti-tank missile fell out and landed right at my feet. Once I regained my composure (and changed underwear) I looked inside and saw mortar shells, tank ammo, etc. packed in as tight as possible.

Many thanks for all kind comments! I really appreciate them!

camo junkie, I usually post 4-5 armors at a time and they usually include both WWII and modern. This is not my first MT-LB with ZU-23-2, and certainly not the last one. I like the guns.

mg.mikael, you have some points. How about comparing this one to the one he built four years ago, which one do you like better?:

Karl, thanks for dropping by! Have you received my PM that I sent a week or so ago? I asked about a song. If you haven’t recieved maybe I should post it here so that others can help too.

RESlusher, you’re a lucky guy. The one you saw was probably not armed with ZU-23-2 guns like this, but plain MT-LB used as to haul the D-30 122mm Cannon and carry ammunition, like this:

Hmmmm…well comparing the old one to the more modern one, I’m gonna have to say Art Instructors painting techniques have vastly improved. However I do like the older one a bit more, because the Ukranian trident symbols are lot more visible.[;)](this probably has something to do with the fact I’m 100% Ukranian.)

Nope, the one I saw didn’t have a ZSU 23-2 anywhere near it. It was used strictly as an ammo carrier.

I think the idea of mounting the ZSU 23-2 came about during the early days of the Chechen war. I believe that now the original chassis has been modified with a 360 degree revolving turret in the back to accommodate the ZSU 23-2.


Very nice looking machine…:slight_smile:


I just built this same kit about two months ago and finished it in Ukrainian livery. As a Skif kit it had their normal somewhat crude castings, but it was fun to research and build nevertheless, which is sort of the point of modeling right? I just finished their T-64BM2 (Ukrainian also) which has some PE and resin that you may also enjoy.

Are you gonna post some pics? Because I would love to see your builds(that just so happen to be in Ukrainian markings.[;)])

Same here. I like the older one better. But then why did you think his techniques have improved? You’re 100% Ukrainian? Migrated to the USA?


Why don’t you show your build here? I’d love to see. As for the T-64 BM2, my modeler finished it four years ago, same as my firstr MT-LB w/ ZU-23-2:

I think I have most, if not all, of SKIF/CKIQ armors built, including some variants in other brand like this UM’s BTR-152D:

Well, the MT-LB has many variants, let me show some:



MT-LB 6M1B3:

MT-LB w/ equipment for self-digging around:

Guney, thanks for your kind comments.

What I meant by his painting techniques improving is that the color shading looks alot better, basically it dosen’t look as monotone. (or perhaps it’s the lighting…hmmm)

Yeah I’m 100% Ukranian, but born here. My grandparents were the ones who migrated over after WWII(that is after being prisoners and doing forced labor for the Germans.)


As far as my research showed, Ukrainian livery was really just dark green with numerals added and sometimes with a crest. Any more info you might have would be greatly appreciated as well as adding to the accuracy of my model. I’m currently in the process of learning how to download pictures of my better builds so stay tuned. Maestro

dont forget this variant… [:D]

Maestro, these days any info you want of particular armor you may search from the Net. To show you pictures you’ll have to upload them to image hosting servers such as It’s easy to use, you can post links here to your pictures there.

camo junkie, you’re right. What’s the make & model of your kit? I think I have similar armor (still unbuilt) but I’m not sure it’s the same as yours or not. It may be Alanger’s 2S9 ‘Nona-S’ 120mm SPG which is smaller. However I found another variant. I think it’s named “Strella”: