Mr Metal Color


I’m just starting out with this paint with a Badger Patriot airbrush – I’m curious to see how it may be thinned and any air pressure considerations – I had some clogging issues strait from the bottle . I suspect Mr Color Leveling thinner will be involved.

Thanks !


Mr Metal Color is pretty thin to start out so very little thinning is needed. It sprays very nicely as well. I usually use Laquer thinner sparingly with it vs the leveling thinner. But this stuff is pretty thin, as I said, and needs nearly no help spraying. It is also “buffable” once dry. So when you use it decide if you want to shine it up or leave it dull. You will need to clear it to hold the dull or it WILL shine up just being handled. It is by far my favorite metal paints, except for chrome and aluminum, then Alclad is king.


Thanks BK -I did have some clogging issues spraying unthinned-- is Tamiya X 20A compatible?

Starting out with Dark Iron on the exhaust pipes of the Hobby Boss Ta 152 C11, so want to keep the shine to a minimum



I doubt it’s really clogging, if you mixed it well. We’re having a warm summer in some parts, you’re probably experiencing tip dry. This is where dried paint collects on trhe tip and stops passage of paint. Usually a q tip soaked in lacquer thinner wiped on there will clear it.

Turn your air pressure down. If you really feel the need to further thin, use lacquer thinner, not X20-A.

The warm weather would only come into play if he is airbrushing in a space not cooled or at least dehumidified,he didn’t state that.Do humid conditions cause dry tip ??

If high humidity, with lacquer there is the added risk of blushing. He isn’t complaing about blushing.

My point,I know,he’s complaining about dry tip,how does the hot weather outside around the country affect air brushing inside a conditioned space,most guys aor brush inside,at least from most of the pics I’ve seen of work spaces,my base is 75 with 42% humidity no matter what it is outside.

No if he’s in an unconditional space then all he’s are off,but he didn’t specify.

Mr Hobby paints, color, air, metal, don’t typically like to interact with other paint products like Tamiya, vallejo, etc. BEST to stay with Leveling thinner or Laquer thinner if you need to thin them. Mr Hobby paints can gel up real easy if mixed with the wrong thing and then you’ve got a mess.


What is the needle/nozzle size being used? Mr Metal Color has quite coarse metal pigment that can clog the smaller nozzles. It might also help to stir the paint in the cup frequently to minimize settling of the pigment.

Don’t think Mr Metal Color is compatible with Tamiya X-20A.

I use a .3 needle with no issues. And yes, keeping it mixed is crucial.