more P IV J pics

that’s a pretty bas a^*ed tank, good work!

Looks great Deakon!!!


very nice. very very nice

Still looking great DEAKON. I have another question…Is that the correct exhaust for the Ausf. J??

there the late patern exhaust for the late patern Panzer 4 Ausf J as in the photos
they used then in the Ardennes and on
it looks like the Dragon kit

I like it a lot. Captain Caveman, do you by any chance have those pictures showing the late pattern exhaust? I’d be interested in looking at them.
In the meantime, check this site out, it has some nice pictures of Panzer IV Ausf J

Might be better if I actually include the URL [:)]

i think you will find that it’s actually an ausf H…the museum must have got it wrong…

Deakon the museum photos are of a ausf J.
there isnt any side vision slits, the H hadf them and as the caption says it never posessed an auxiliary motor, both were phased out on the Ausf J

heres a Mobelwagon with the same exhaust system

Two big “Thumbs Up” DEAKON!!

so a german museum… got the marque wrong…on a german tank , i reckon its a cobbled together representation of an p 4 j… ausf H hull…and an ausf J turret… i dont know…but something about the exhibit looks wrong to me… apart from the desert scene that is…
no P 4 js for the poor old afrika korps…and the exhausts on the dragon kit [my pics]
were the only ones on the sprue , so go figure???if i remember correctly the dragon kit represents an ausf J late 44 -early 45…and in that case the exhausts would be correct…

Hey DEAKON, again I think the you have done a great job on the kit…the base coat and weathering looks great.

In Actung Panzer it states that the J was outfitted with Flammentoter Mufflers, which are the ones on your kit DEAKON. I just have not seen that exhaust on a Panzer IV H or J. I went through every Squadron Panzer IV book as well as others and can’t seem to find one with it. Renarts even went through his Armor in scale publications and was unable to also. Well I guess it is safe to say that your kit is accurate DEAKON.

As for the Dragon kit, I know that Dragon had discontinued it’s original Panzer IV J a while ago for poor scale and other inaccuracies. They re-issued one that corected them (so they say).



did you know that MOSES.[biblical character] was the first ever owner of a motorcycle. it even relates to this in the bible…
“And MOSES came down from MT Sinai…and the roar of his TRIUMPH was heard over the land”…
vroooom vrooooommm…

He was also the first owner of a faulty electrical appliance…
Moses stared at the burning BUSH

the Dragon kit of the Panzer 4 ausf J is the late version
the Tamiya kit of the Panzer 4 Ausf J is the early version
the tank in the german musium is a Ausf J early for the reasons ive already stated it looks od becouse its got no side skirts on
there are Pazer 4 Js like the model in Battle of the Bulge then and now ISBN 0 900913 40 1
and also in the Encyclopedia of german tanks of world war two ISBN 1 - 85409 - 214 - 6
this is a Quote from this book
“The main change introduced with the Ausf J was the elimination of the electric traverse and its associated auxiliary engine. The armour thickness of the turret roof was increased and a Nahverteidigungswaffe added as a smoke projector and for close defence .
Minor improvments introduced during the production run included the deletion of pistol ports and vision ports from the turret rear and side doors , wire mesh skirting on the hull sides , 3 instead of 4 return rollers , vertical exaust mufflers , and the hull sides extended beyond the front hull plate and drilled to provide holes for towingshackles”

as for a musium not making mistakes this was a Panther Ausf F turret that was at Bovington tank musiun in the scrap area (the only one left in the world)

Deakon nice model are you going to place it on a diferent base?

heres the photo of a Panzer 4 Ausf j late (if i can get the picture on)