monogram 1/48th b29 superfort' pic's

hello again it’s the photo pest ian, i made this model 2 yrs ago, and i don’t think i’ll ever attempt any thing this big again, it has half a pound of lead in it just to keep it on it’s nose and it was very heavy and awkard to hold and biuld


Very nice, you certainly seem to like the big builds. Is that an Alclad finish?

Very nice build. Like Swanny I’m interested in the finish as well as the decals. Was the kit an easy build, that is did it fit together well?

Thank you Ian.

As with others I gotta how did you do that finish?

Also, I am willing to bet you will indeed do even bigger models down the road [;)]

Tom T [C):-)]

Ian, thanks for posting your pics. I really enjoy seeing them. You do great work!

Geez, that’s a monster of a kit. Came out great, and like others would love to know more details about the build.

I have a couple of four engine 1/48 beasts in my stack of stuff. I bang the wings around enough on a single engine fighter now during construction. I can only imagine how unruly something as big as a B-29 can be during a build.

hello swanny, the paint i used was ‘KRYLON’ aluminium enamel spray paint, readly available in U.S. but rare in U.K. the decals are ‘humpin hony’ which saw service in the korean war, i think!!!,they were supplied in the kit., oh by the way that krylon paint sprays out of the can beautifully like a airbrush, also on the model i’ve got the bomb bay doors open, showing all the bombs of…and a big thank you to all the other guys for making me feel quite welcome on this forum…ian

Nice build! You did a great job on it.

Wow! Nice build! That plane is huge. Now I gotta have one!

I think that is what I need to try for my 1/32 P-47!

Tom T [C):-)]

That’s either one big mother or a very well done forced perspectionve with a tiny table. Great looking build.

Wonderful job! Looks like I’ll be using Krylon for my next B-29. Keep up the good work!

Beautiful work on the B-29. The paint work is awesome.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

Nice work Ian. I have two sitting in my closet that I bought during the Hobby Lobby 50% off sale. I think I will give my self a couple of more model builds before I start on something that big. One quick question. The line you have from the top of the Tail to the back of the plane, what is that made from? and what are their purpose?


hello, the line very thin single core wire out of a phone line cable,took a long time to strip it down, as with regards to it’s use !!!, i followed biuld instructions and for that plane shows the use of what i believe is antenne wire, alot of b29’s have no wires during the end of ww2, but on a least 5 pic’s of b29’s i’ve seen shows them with this two wire set up …ian

Very nice! I have one I started on years ago. Makes me want to clear out a spot and start back on it. I have a nose panel section and opposite side tail gunner panel section removed to see the interior detail. I will be able to place the panels back on. I had access to an old kit to cut out the panels oversize and sand them down for a perfect fit along the kit’s panel lines.

Looks great, Ian! The finish is first-rate.


I am still amazed that you got that finish with Krylon, which of course here in the colonies is common as dirt. Was it sprayed from the small Krylon “Short Kuts” cans? Those do spray at a light pressure and are the only rattle cans I use. They’re great, and for those who have sworn off rattle cans forever, give these a try and you might rethink it.

As for that big B-29 kit, one is about to re-enter my life, so it appears. Last week Meteor sent me this bizarre conversion kit to turn a B-29 into a Soviet Tu-4 “Bull”, itself modified into an AWACS platform with a huge rotodome and gigantic turboprop engines, and not only that, it’s a ChiCom copy of a Russian copy of an American bomber turned into a primitive E-3 Sentry. I thought, “Who in the hell would ever think of such a thing, let alone make the molds, and who would want to model something so butt ugly?”

Long story short, all week I kept seeing this box sitting on my table, right next to the packages of new Vigilante resin correction parts. But instead of the stuff for the beloved Vigi, my eye kept wandering to this awful monstrosity of a flying machine conversion (let me say here, the castings are immaculate; I’ve never seen such big castings, let alone so perfect and smooth). The upshot is, I at last figured out which kind of perverse weirdo of a modeler would do such a conversion: ME!

So now I have to locate a B-29 kit, get my resin-expert partner motivated, and get to sawing. Gonna have a big, strange oddity with no space to put it, but I’ll be the only one on the block to have one, I’ll bet. Oh, and I figured up that the finished weight is going to be about 2.5-3 pounds. I’m going to have to find some metal landing gear, as none are supplied, though there are WM struts for holding up that rotodome, which is the size of a small hubcap.

Oh, and it comes in 1/72 scale for the Academy B-29s as well.



If you have a hard time finding 1/48th B-29 let me know. Melodee is heading up to Brooklyn Aug 10th.

I’m sure we will be visiting her before the year is out if Dee has her way and she usually does.