This afternoon, my 9-year old came to me with a request.[:)] He said he would like to try putting a car or plane together, and use glue this time! [:D] At Christmas, I got him a couple Snap-Tite truck kits. He had them together in about 30 minutes. He really likes Lego blocks, and has followed the instructions for putting together many of their “models”, so I think he’s ready to try his hand at something a tad more challenging, but still relatively simple.
So here’s my question to all you modeling Dads and other youth experts out there: What are some good starter kits for a 9-year old? My criteria is that they should be simple (not too many parts), inexpensive, have a pretty good fit, and the fewest assembly problems possible. He’ll probably play (gasp, horror, faint) with it when complete…Hey c’mon…he’s only 9![:p]
I am limiting this to aircraft and autos (his interests).
BTW, an expert, as defined above, is a person who learns more and more about less and less, until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.
Hey, guys, thanks for all the help and recommendations.[:I]
Gip Winecoff