
It’s that time again. I should have posted this some time ago, but Modelpalooza is next month. Who’s going to make it to the show? It’s at the same place as the last couple years and this year they have gone beyond their required amount of room, so I would immagine they are starting to run out. There sould be more vendors than last time as they were talking about the possibility of giving them more room without cutting back on display space.

As usual, I’ll by manning the club table and its sales with my wife. We have been cut back to only one this year to make room for others.

I’m thinking of selling some of my unbuilt and built kits, including some entered in the contest. Those will not be stock kits for the most part. Prices are negotiable, just ask. If I’m not at the table, my wife can find me esasily enough.

The special guests this year will be characters from G.I. Joe and there will be a vehicle on display, maybe more. Not certtain about how many.

More information on the club sites and they just posted the email to register your models ahead of time.

Ikar, can you provide a website URL and maybe suggest to your organizer to enter the info for the event on As soon as I see the info come across, I’ll make sure to approve it and get it out on the website.

I hope it’s a blast! And if your club is taking photos of models, we’d be interested in seeing them and possibly publishing them on


They can try here:

(20+) IPMS ORLANDO | Facebook

or here:

Home (

hope they help.

Only a few days left before the contest. With all vendor tables accoiunted for, and many rooms at the hotel bought up by contestants, it looks to be a good one. As usual, we will be handling the club’s table with things to sell, and maybe some things I might need to buy.

Hope to see you there.

Be there!

Today. Tomorrow. Sunday.

This was my first year attending, and despite not entering anything, had an fantastic time and look forward to attending and competing next year. Above is video that I shot of the event.

Super you-tube video, thanks.