I voted for Tamiya, but I have built kits by Esci, Revell-Germany, DML, Trumpeter, Panzershop, Armo & Academy. I do have kits by Accurate Miniatures & Hasegawa but haven’t done anything to them.
Why don’t you set up a poll that actually allows people to select more than one? You asked a question that obviously would have multiple answers, but then restrict those who answer to one vote? Rather limited list, too.
Just my humble opinion.
i second demono69…this is multiple answer poll… but i cant select more than one…
I agree. I have multiple kits from multiple manufacturers. It is not possible to pick just one company.
I agree it requires multiple answers
Yep, multiple answers please.
A single answer won’t work. The question asked demands multiple answers.
I used to work for williams years ago andI built a few kits for them.
I would have to say that I have built kits from many of the manufactures listed above.
I have built kits from other manufactures not listed.
Actually, Williams is the ONLY company on the list whose kits I haven’t built!
I voted AMT because it’s what I have the most of, but the oft-suggested “multiple” option would make for a more accurate poll. Could we have a 2.0 version of the poll soon?
Im sorry about the limited amount of choices and lack of multiple choices but it’s the
best I could do with the setup choices that I had to work with to make this poll i’m still
learning about all this forum stuff . All of the input i’m getting is great to and very much
apprecieated so keep the votes and posts comming in …
thank all of you very much!!!
what do you need for a catapult mmmm first hear kitty -kitty -kitty nice kitty then add
one 100ft catapult -load - aim - fire in the hole ta-da cat in space!!!
I’m like everone else I build multiple Revell, Academy, Dragon, Tamiya, Hobbycraft
So it is hard to pick one kit. I like to build whatever I’m in the want to build whether it be a car or figurines or aircraft
I’ve also built models from many of those companies except William Bros and AMT. I guess I am going to have to vote for Monogram, but I like all the companies that you have listed
Done it all! [;)]
Fade to Black…
I started building in 63 and I can say that I have at least one kit from just about every thing out there.I’m from Detroit and was shopping Squadron long before the move to Carrollton (DFW) Texas. The toppers are monogram, revell, hasegawa, tamiya and airfix.
where’s hasegawa???
I’ve built all but Wiliams and Life Like and quite a few not mentioned. This poll need a redo if it’s to be of any value. Mind you if it asked what my favs are I’d have to say old Auroura and Tamiya.
I voted Monogram but I have to agree with everyone else, over the years I’ve built many differant companies. It mainly comes down to who makes the kit of the subject i feel like building. Bob
I’ve built mainly the wal-mart carried kits revell,amt,monogram. Only recently have I had the pleasure of a Tamiya and Lee kit.