missing parts

hi guys[:D]- early in january i posted that my entire ‘sprue n’ with the gun cradle and turret interior parts were missing from my 1/16 trumpeter t-34-- i emailed Stevens International(distributor for Trumpeter) and corresponded with ‘lauracarney@stevenshobby.com’- but so far no help-- how long should i wait before i become an online pain in the[censored] to her or just bite the bullet and buy a whole new kit so i can move on? i need closure!!- all she said was ‘i would do my best to obtain the Trumpeter parts requested’-- but so far nothing-- i offered to pay for them ect-- i kind of feel like they are blowing me off-- should i keep waiting or what?-- thanks for any help-- treadwell

I’d keep at them tread. You have given plenty of time for a response. (either pro or con) You have also offered to pay, that in itself should have received action. I’d email them for an update at least. Then start talking about “putting the word out” on their less than wonderfull actions. Airfix supplied me with replacements free of charge. Trumpeter should do the same for you. Especailly if it is an in production kit. Just my two cents worth. Good luck and keep us posted. Maybe we can pressure them to treat you right. Lets stick together modelers! Bob

I find that with Steven’s Interantional, you have to remind them every so often. I too have requested missing or broken parts and dealt with Laura Carney. After a couple reminder emails, I did get the parts though. I was told that the main problem is that they don’t stock the parts, but have to request them from China first. I would keep trying.

… I had a similar experience… Some time ago a mail-ordered packet arrived with the snot beat out of it; big puncture hole in the side. I contacted the M/O house ( HLJ ) and told them my tale of woe. They simply asked me to identify the spru parts that were damaged. Within a month they sent replacement sprus from Tamiya; free of charge.

You should expect, and have every right to expect, the same courtesy.

I’d keep on them, and keep on them hard. An email a day should do the trick. She’ll just get sick of seeing stuff from you in her in box. The easiest way for her to get rid of you would be to get you the parts that you’re intitled to. However, I wouldn’t offer to pay for sprues that you’ve already paid for.

Just my [2c]

although i they got it right in the end

i find dealing with stevens to be a pain in the but ox

treadwell I had a problem with the Dragon Tiger 1 late were the black container with the metal parts in was missing, but after a while & some calls got it sorted.

So what i would say is keep on at them as when things like this happen & they dont sort it out word of mouth can go a long way so keep on & let us know how you get on.

hey guys[:D]-- thanks for the responces-- i just again e-mailed Stevens Int.-- i wanted it to sound firm, but not yet like i was gonna be the pain in the butt i could be!!–lol – here is a copy-- and yes i guess this makes me a ‘name dropper’-- oh well[8D][:P]-- thanks for the help guys-- treadwell

Dear Ms. Carney
I am e-mailing you again in the hope for an up-date or the status of my missing parts, ‘sprue N’ trumpeter kit #00902- 1/16 T-34/85 Factory No.183-- I remain patient,but would like some kind of time frame if possible- I understand the parts may have to come from China unless you have a kit there. I also repeat my offer to pay for these parts if it necessary .My friends and co-modelers at www.finescale.com where i often post have advised me that a few ‘reminder emails’ tempered with a little patience and these glitches usually work out fine. I hope that will be the case. Thank you again for your time.

Well done Treadwell. I don’t mind my name being dropped. Just so long as we don’t drop any eaves. [:)]