From 2023, a quick build. I used some spare AM decals for this and a propeller from A Tamiya kit to do this version. This kit was disappointing for me, the horizontal stabilisers are to thin for the fuselage root, so I had to sand down the roots to make them flush. The 4 piece engine cowl was a nightmare getting it all to fit on around the engine. Small parts break easy, and there are heaps of small parts. Positively though, it has heaps of rivet details. The Tamiya and Hasegawa will still be the ones to go to if you want easy builds.
I do like the look of it nicely done.
Nice,I have just acquired one of their P-47’s and want to try it this year.
Grant…excellent finish. I picked up one of these when it first was released. Still haven’t built it though.
Grant, can I ask what aluminum/metallic finish you used on this Jug? It’s quite nice.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this kit but like all kits…it does seem to have some problem areas. Good usage of the Tamiya prop on this one @Grant_Dalzell . I’m assuming it was a detail issue or was it a noticeable size difference? Did the seat belts come in this kit?
Great job overall and your NMF looks terrific.
Great job! Very good work on that bare metal finish.
nice very nice build ,love the base
SMS Lacquer Hyperchrome Cold Tone, SMS is Australian brand, but it’s sold everywhere now
That scheme/aircraft had a different propeller, it’s not in the Miniart boxing, pretty sure the belts are included.