MH-6 Little Bird


Here are a few Pictures fromn a KH MH-6l Little Bird and Delta Team that I’m putting the finishing touches on. The kit is very well done and I had a good time doing this one, as it let me put together a lot of skills I had to re-learn over the past few months.

The pictures do not give it justice, but the paint is a black main coat with a JN Green light coat over the top. It gives it a slight green and dark color to it. I really like the way it turned out. The figures were not bad, I just have to learn more techniques to finish the faces better than I can now. I would like to do more detail to the face.

The only complaint that I have about this kit: A LOT of small pieces, and the wind screen does not fit very well. I will have a lot of putty and smoothing to do once I fit that last piece.

After doing this, I have a MH-60 DAP on order with the crew. Really enjoyed doing this build.

EDIT: Better pictures


Delta Team

Delta Team 1
