Meng WWT King Tiger Porsche Turret FINISHED

Here we go. It’s been a long time since my last build. A little over 5 years ago and I have sold and lost all the equipments, additional parts and model kits. This is fresh start.

I went to the local hobby store looking for something easy to build and necessary paints, brushes and stuff. I bought the toon tank. I have never build or painted any military models or planes. I used to build cars. This kit felt easy to start with, it’s not too serious or realistic and I could practise bushing skills again.

The very first I painted tracks. Its a semi gloss black rubber band.

Next step Tamiya Gun metal.

2 different shades of brown/rust. First normally painting and then darker wash.

Last drybrushing with flat silver

Turret painted Tamiya German grey. Painting was a problem without airbrush. I think painting from top to bottom motion creates more natural pattern of visible strokes. Like water and dirt dripping. I need to buy an airbrush.

First try weathering. Drybrushing flat silver with different sizes brushes. Started slowly and build it up

I does look a lot more alive and functional machine. I’m a little concerned painting rust effects, I don’t wanna ruin it at this stage.

Sadly, the pictures are not showing up.

Clicking on your picture icons appears to open up a security threat. Possible malware.

You should get that fixed.

Oh sorry, no malware threat but it’s my friends home server and there was expired SSL sertificate. Browsers nowadays gives warning everytime there is no secure connection.

edit: I got links fixed!

Thank you for fixing that. The pictures look great.

Not sure on the authenticity of the color scheme, but I like what you’ve got going on, for sure.

I’m looking forward to seeing more.

I couldn’t see the photos yesterday but they’re showing up fine now.

She looks good to me. Despite not having an airbrush you got a nice smooth even coat of paint on the turret. And the weathering and paint wear looks good. If you do the same on the hull she should turn out fantastic. Great job there on the tracks too.

The drybrushing for weathering effect is coming along fine. I wouldn’t worry too much about rust on the turret. It would be very light, if any. Mostly the rust would be on the hull and suspension that where water runs down to and where the suspension comes in contact with mud and water on a regular basis.

Do you mean the base color? I don’t know about real colors and schemes but the hobby shop owner gave me Tamiya german grey with this model kit. This will be a practise work. Although I’ll put my best on it. I think there will be time when I do more serious build like CV9030.

It’s familiar machine to finns who served in the army. Actually my friend got to drive that thing.

No worries, aaqee. They’re typically painted in the three color scheme. I’ve not seen one in all German armor grey.

Box art looks cool though, so just keep going.

This is one of my favorite tanks [:D]

I was not expecting a toon tank. I’ve seen these many times in the hobby store. Curious to see how it finishes out. Looks pretty good so far.


Your tank looks very nice as it is! I barely see brush strokes from the images. I’m excited to see the finished build and I just might pick up a toon tank myself!

Well, you might want to check with others who know more about the subject but as far as I know the Germans did start painting AFVs grey again near the end of the war. I’ve heard explainations ranging from running out of the yellow paint to being better able to blend in as the fighting shifted to the ruins of German cities. The grey paint on a Konigstiger looks fine to me.

Looking good - what fun. What is the parts count for these little guys? And I wouldn’t be too concerned about historically accurate color - it’s a toon tank!

Thanks for feedback! Parts count about 70-80 quickly calculated. Some details molded directly to the chassis part and rear plate. At this point I also think that paint is a little too dark. I would prefer lighter grey bluish tone. Going to finish it as it is and try to take photos under good lights.

I agree with all the guys above…

You are doing a great job with the brush painting. Never would have guessed unless you mentioned it.

You have me rethinking loading up the a/b for my all-too-frequent 5 second paint jobs.

Thanks. Last time I did modeling I was using Revell enamel paints. Now I got Tamiya acrylics and use them thinned 30:70 - 50:50% with isopropyl alcohol. GIves bigger window to paint and correct mistakes before drying.

Late night edit:
Little accessories painted. I’m happy with the spare tracks. Exhaust pipes rust effect using baking soda not so good, too grainy. Towing (?) cables OK and shovel OK but wooden handle hard to replicate.

Maybe I’ll reverse exhaust effect. Wipe away soda grains and then paint thinned brown / rust hoping that little dents and flakes remain visible.

This eternal project is finally done. It came out well with my 4 year old taking part. Now I really need to make some space to store this thing.