Memorial Day GB 2006-2007

A friend of mine came up with this idea and it is too good not to use. Ok the premise of this build is to represent aircraft,armor,ships etc used by Anyone you know in the military or otherwise serving your country past or present this includes military,police and rescue services.These are the people who lay their lives on the line and sometimes pay the ultimate price for our safety and well being, this GB is dedicated to them

1. Start date May 29 2006 (Memorial day US ) to Memorial day 2007.

2. model can be any Military,Police or Rescue vehicle or figure(rescue ie ambulances fire trucks helicopters etc)

3. A short telling of how this vehicle or figure relates to you as to who used it.A friend,family member or yourself.

4. AM, Scratchbuilt and or OOB welcome

5. of course All Nationalities Welcome All nations have people to remember for what they have done to protect it I am just using the american holiday for the theme of remembering those who protect us[#toast]

heres the badge in two sizes

Panzerwulff ( me[:D]) 1/350 trumpeter USS The Sullivans as my fathers ship DD 510 USS Eaton

MPH34 1/72 F-111 “sister worked on a base with F111s”

CJ95 1/48 TBA “grandfather flew bombers”

Gedenke (Geoff) monogram 1/48 B-24 “as "Reddy Teddy Too" Grandfathers aircraft 445th BG”

Tho9900 (Tom) B-25 13th AAF 42nd BG pacific “Uncle crewed in WWII”

Wing-Nut (Marc) Tuskegee airman LtCol Harry Stewarts P-51 Mustang WWII “Had lunch with him the other day” (you lucky SOG [8D]) COMPLETE[:D]

Zipmeister “Pops” B-25 New Guinea Monogram B-25J 1/48

This is a GREAT IDEA!!! [:D] [tup] [yeah]

My dad (USAF), never severed on an “air operations” type base (he was in intellegence). My sister (USAF also) did serve at an airbase in England that had the F-111. After those were retired, she was not on any “air operations” type base there after.

Put me down for an F-111 (1/72nd scale), I should still have the photos that my sister sent me when they returned from Gulf War #1. With the time frame that you have made, should give all a chance to put a lot of good work into their peice. [:D]

[#welcome] MPH34 I wanted a nice looooong timeline so people could research their build and learn more about what the people who link them to their subject did.I may also do a WWII “Deuce & a Half” as my grandfather was in the Quartermaster corps as a truck driver shortly after Normandy

This is a sweet idea.

Last year I already built my Grandfather’s B-17E that he flew into Pear Harbor complete with a Zero on his tail…

I know that doesnt qualify, but he also flew B-24’s B-29’s, B-36’s, and B-52’s so I’m sure I might be able to find something.

Not sure which yet, but I’d like to find a good 1/48 kit for one of these.

It’ll be awhile so the one year time frome is good for me.

Nice work Cj great bit of history welcome to the build[^]

PanzerWulff, I’d like to “tenatively” join in on this one. I have an old 1/48 Monogram B-24 that I plan on doing up as one that my grandfather flew on over Europe (Reddy Teddy Too, 455th BG). I say tenatively because it’s going to be a big project. I’m planning on completly scribing the raised panel lines and it will require some custom decals. So, please put me down for that, a full year should be plenty of time for me to finish.


p.s. I’m assuming we can only display the logo after we finish?

Geoff welcome aboard and it’s ok to add the badge at anytime when I post a badge it’s more of a “hey this is a GB I’m in go see what I’m doing” than a reward for completion[;)]

Great, thanks! I’ll display it proudly then.

NP Gedenke I hope we can get more interested maybe i should post a link on other boards?

Ok Chris, finally an opportunity to jump into your GB…

I am modeling a B-25B or C/D. My great uncle R.L. Broussard was a flight engineer/gunner on these and I wanna do one finally.

I’ve searched for info on him for the last 2 yrs and asked a bunch of questions to anyone in the family who would listen in the years before that. finally thanks to the fine people at I have the answer and know what he did in the war. He enlisted in 1941 before the war started and served all through the war in the Pacific, South Pacific and CBI. Evidently he saw a lot of combat from the numerous awards he got, when he reached his 85 points to be eligible to go back stateside he decided to stay in the Pacific. He got out for 2 weeks at the end of WWII and got right back in till his retirement in about 1961… Sadly a year or two later he died… hence me not knowing a thing about his service.

I’ll be attempting to model a B-25 of the 13th AAF, 42nd BG and if I can find anything more out I’ll give a squadron. It probably won’t have any nose art on it unless someone at the AAF forum can help me out there with a plane and squadron. (also there is a total lack of decals for this Bomb Group out there unless I can find a kit that comes with them in the box)

Glad to have ya Tom[#welcome]Aboard


I did not have a reason to join this GB…until yesterday. I had lunch with Lt.Col. (Ret) Harry Stewart of the Tuskegee Airman.

In our conversations I mentioned how modelers have many reasons for the builds they choose. Like a cool set of marking or an interesting aircraft design… or HAVING LUNCH WITH A HERO!!! Sorry for that out burst… it’s been over 24 hours and I am excited. I told him, “Trust me… number 41 will be on my shelf real soon.”





Marc thats AWESOME it must have been a great experience,The chances to meet WWII veterans is growing slimmer day by day and year by year as we lose more to time that is one of the main reasons behind this GB. so I have the number 41 but what did he fly? a Thunderbolt? a Mustang? [:D] or are you keeping it a seceret LOL

'Stang baby. The AC with which he shot down 3 109’s on Apr 1,1945… OMG I’m getting the goose bumps…AGAIN![:D]

Thanks for the update Marc the closest i got to having lunch with a vet that wasn’t related to me was at an airshow where I got the chance to meet Chuck Yeager and get him to sign my copy of his biography in the late 80s

I’d really love to. My grandfather and best friend just passed away 2 weeks ago. He was a Rifle Platoon leader in the 83rd division and I’d love to do a small diorama of him and a jeep. I’ll see if I can find the Tamiya kit. Don’t put me in just yet, but I really like this idea.

Thanks Chris!


Jon NP man just let me know when you got something and I’ll put it in the list[:D][tup]

I just recieved my Trumpeter USS The Sullivans in 1/350 it looks like it will be a nice build. I am also thinking about getting some AM goodies (pe railings and such ) to add some extra detail BTW 1 WEEK to Start Date [;)] TTFN

Just received a set of out of print Tuskegee markings. Unfortanutley the plane for the guy I had lunch with is not there and may have to wing that (no pun intended). But will end up making a few of these.

Marc - from what I understand the AccMin Tuskeekee airmen P-51C is in pre-release right now… let me check and see if I can get a date of release and what decals they come with…

All - I have been freed from the chains of the evil P-47 I was building and now am up with an He111 for the BoB GB… as soon as I finish that I will be in here building my B-25 with yall… Time permitting I might also do the AccMin SBD-3… my uncle flew tail gunner on those (well ok, on the real ones… not the AccMin ones [(-D])… (the one that flew as gunner on the B-25’s was my great-uncle, same side of the family)

That’s a real “if” there as both are fairly detailed kits…

My Great Uncle R.L. Broussard tried to join the Navy on 3/28/1941, 9 months before Japan attacked us. He failed the physical at MEPS (he was missing a tooth from an accident at work, 9 months later they would have snapped him up in a second!!) and immediately went down the hall where he was accepted by the U.S. Army Air Corps as a flight engineer/gunner.

He proceeded to training and then to March field California where he was assigned to the 42nd BG and at some point in 1942 went to the South Pacific. He flew 16 months as tail gunner with (unknown squadron as of yet) the 42nd BG, recieved the Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf clusters, the pre-Pearl Harbor ribbon, the South Pacific Campaign ribbon with two battle stars, and several other ribbons of which I have lost the newspaper article references to. He chose to stay in the war after earning the 85 points for combat required to detach back home, but the war ended shortly after. He re-enlisted, went on to advanced gunnery school immediately after the war evidently to fly in B-29’s and then later B-36’s, both with the new “computerized” turrets.

The maybe for this GB:

My uncle Leo Broussard joined the Navy in 1942 at the age of 17 and went to Aviation Machinist Mate’s (Carburators) training and on to gunnery school at Beeville, TX. He was so good at gunnery he was immediately grabbed up as an instructor. He spent the next 3 years of the war training other SBD gunners to shoot. His big day came when he received orders to one of the carriers in the Pacific, en route, (he made it as far as California) the atomic bombs were dropped and the war ended. He told me when I was young, his biggest wish was to go to sea during his time in the Navy. When I joined up and eventually ended up on ship, it was almost like he was getting his sea duty vicariously through me. There were so many questions, requests for pictures of this or that… he wanted to know everything…

It’s ironic both went in to their respective air corps and that both became mechanics and gunners. The gunners part I think I understand as both were AVID duck hunters before the war and would have taken up the deflection shooting part like second nature (i.e. leading a duck, a big aluminum duck)…

Just thought I would share a little on the two builds I am wanting to do here…