A friend of mine came up with this idea and it is too good not to use. Ok the premise of this build is to represent aircraft,armor,ships etc used by Anyone you know in the military or otherwise serving your country past or present this includes military,police and rescue services.These are the people who lay their lives on the line and sometimes pay the ultimate price for our safety and well being, this GB is dedicated to them
1. Start date May 29 2006 (Memorial day US ) to Memorial day 2007.
2. model can be any Military,Police or Rescue vehicle or figure(rescue ie ambulances fire trucks helicopters etc)
3. A short telling of how this vehicle or figure relates to you as to who used it.A friend,family member or yourself.
4. AM, Scratchbuilt and or OOB welcome
5. of course All Nationalities Welcome All nations have people to remember for what they have done to protect it I am just using the american holiday for the theme of remembering those who protect us[#toast]
heres the badge in two sizes
Panzerwulff ( me[:D]) 1/350 trumpeter USS The Sullivans as my fathers ship DD 510 USS Eaton
MPH34 1/72 F-111 “sister worked on a base with F111s”
CJ95 1/48 TBA “grandfather flew bombers”
Gedenke (Geoff) monogram 1/48 B-24 “as "Reddy Teddy Too" Grandfathers aircraft 445th BG”
Tho9900 (Tom) B-25 13th AAF 42nd BG pacific “Uncle crewed in WWII”
Wing-Nut (Marc) Tuskegee airman LtCol Harry Stewarts P-51 Mustang WWII “Had lunch with him the other day” (you lucky SOG [8D]) COMPLETE[:D]
Zipmeister “Pops” B-25 New Guinea Monogram B-25J 1/48