What color would the interior of the landing gear doors be? My Tamiya kit is saying that the interior color is the same as the exterior color, light blue Luftwaffe. Thanks for the help.
Check the link below and take a look at Matt Swan’s site. He has great info on Luftwaffe coloring.
This is an excerpt form the Wheel Wells/Exceptions section.
Me-262’s had main gear bay/cockpit tub underside left in natural metal. However, nose wheel bay and strut were painted RLM 02. Some Me-262’s had the main wheel well and/or nose wheel bay painted RLM 76.
I went with the meatl in the mains and RLM 02 in the nose though hard to tell in that pic.
Marc, that looks good!
With late war Luftwaffe aircraft actual colours could vary greatly from that stipulated by the RLM.
However many of the sub assemblies of machines like the 262 were make by contractors and delivered pre-painted to the final assembly areas, and thus shades often varied between the main airframe and components like gear doors.
This is particularly noticable on He162s where the gear doors were often painted RLM65 because it was available.
You can also see it on 109s where the tail assembly is completely different colour from the rest of the airframe.
It’s why I love late war Luftwaffe aircraft so much.
These guys are right, there was variation. But in general RLM 02 would be the appropriate color in lieu of actual references for a particular aircraft.