One of the hardest things about finally getting your hands on a “grail” kit is deciding if you’re good enough to build it. Well, at least that’s what I find. I used to always worry that I’d somehow screw it all up and be worse off than when I started. However, the more I model, the more I realize that grail kits are the ones I really should be building first. I mean, what’s the point in having something you’ve longed for if it’s just going to sit in a box, right?
A perfect example is the Matchbox 1/76 LRDG set. I’ve wanted this Orange Range two-vehicle set since even before I became obsessed with Matchbox armour. Of course, once that bug took hold, getting this went to an even higher priority. I never had luck finding one, until my good friend Alan sent me one, out of the blue! Thanks again, man!
I couldn’t resist the siren call of all that original Matchbox box art and those three-colour pieces, and decided that, no matter how it came out, I’d feel a lot better getting a chance to build this one! So, off I went, and now it’s all done.
Check out this awesome little blast from the past below.
I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out; given I’m not an “armour guy”, and I just kept it simple to what was in the box, I think it looks good. At least I didn’t ruin it!