I just masked off both sides of my A320’s windows to fill with filler. But when i pulled off the masking tape it has left a load of the sticky backing still on the plastic.
What is the best way to clean this crap off[?]
I just masked off both sides of my A320’s windows to fill with filler. But when i pulled off the masking tape it has left a load of the sticky backing still on the plastic.
What is the best way to clean this crap off[?]
We have something here called De-Solv-it…made locally in Melbourne…it’s a citrus based solvent designed for removing the sticky gunk from labels, Blu-Tak, chewing gum and stuff like that.
I’d be very surprised if there wasn’t something like that available at a hardware store near you.
Good luck.
I’ve used something called “Goo-Gone.” It’s a citrus based cleaner/de-greaser that removes adhesives and it’s safe for clear plastic parts. Dab some on a “Q-tip” and just move it around the effected area until you can either remove it or it sticks to the “Q-tip.”
You can get some of the adhesive off by tacking another piece of tape onto the windows…it’ll pull at least some of it off.
Most masking tape glues appear to be alcohol soluble. What I usually try are ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. Windex or equivalent may work. I’ve also heard great things about the solvents the others mentioned, but have not tried them.
If you do go the goo gone route, do NOT make the mistake of getting goof off… that stuff is like laquer thinner!
If you Future your glazing then stay away from Windex.
I’ll second Triarius on the alcohol. I use Bare Metal foil to mask canopies, which always leaves a residue. I use Tamiya X-20A on a cotton swab to remove the goo.
I agree with Triarius. Try an isopropyl alcohol that will surely take care of the residue for you.[:)] GOOD LUCK!
thanks for all your suggestions folks, I’m in the UK and i havent heard of any of the stuff you mentioned unfortunatly. I do however have some isopropyl alcohol in the house… so i will give this a shot.
I concur - DON’T use “Goof-Off,” that would be bad. Let us know if the alcohol works.