Wanting to make a CEV circa 70’s- 90’s. I know ADV makes a conversion kit for it. Anyone know where I can find one? Also heard that there was an article in FSM about one complete with drawings. What issue did it appear in?
I think the article was in Military Modeler not FSM. FIne Scale Models also has a kit that includes the turret. It’s available through Accurate Armor or R&J Enterprises.
Good Luck
i also would like to find this kit or more info on this kit. also how do i find out info on accurate armor. i worked on the real deal back in the 80s in the army
try here http://www.accurate-armour.com/
and the Fine Cast Models thing is here http://www.accurate-armour.com/armourdist.cfm?CFID=10099&CFTOKEN=62635646&navlevel=1
Have a look also here:
Ah heck Fabio…you sent me back to where all this mess got started. Prior to this I had been a happy camper, now I am obsessed with making one of these beasts. Courtesy of Darkstar and a few others on Armorama I’ve tracked down a conversion kit and got tons of reference pics
M 728 CEV article was in 1995/03 issue of FSM…