Really great build. Pretty interesting that even that late in the war some of the tanks were sent without a desert paint job.
Good stuff!! [Y]
Really great build. Pretty interesting that even that late in the war some of the tanks were sent without a desert paint job.
Good stuff!! [Y]
Thanks Bill and Marc or looking in and for the compliments. I enjoyed this one.
Kevin - Thanks for the compliments. I figure I can always build another for myself. It also gives me a way to keep from needing more shelf space for them.
bbrownii- actually, no vehicles are repainted from camo to sand when they are sent to Iraq. I guess the powers that be figure it is cheaper to leave them in the camo than repaint them. The color isn’t really an issue anyways, they are the only amor there and a few days in the desert and they are covered in sand anyhow.
have to throw my 2cents in gino…looks really good. just out of curiousity only, how much extra weight is all that armor on the actual tank?
your level of detail is oalways outstanding.great job.
I am fortunate to say that I have never seen one of these before.
That is one scary Abrams and the accuracy of your build is just top notch.
I am going to try your Anti Slip technique on my next STRF 90, looks just right!
Very Best Regards
Hello Gino!
I noticed this one a little late, but it’s an excellent model as always. This time I even like your painting on this one [:D] A beautiful blend of sand and woodland components. So what are you working on now? Good luck with your projects and have a nice day
Thanks for the compliments guys. I’m glad you like it.
Camo - I don’t know how much extra weight the TUSK adds, but it is quite a bit. The Abrams has plenty of extra power to carry it all though
Pawel - Thanks, I’m glad you like the painting on this one. No pre-shading though. This is my standard washes and drybrushing as always. It just shows up better in pics on the darker camo background.
Really!? I’m embarrassed to admit that I had no idea - all of the Marine Corps M1s I saw in 2005 were sand so I just assumed… guess we all know where that gets us, huh? [:P]
No problem and that was a good guess. Another example of the Army not always doing what one would expect.
Regarding the weight, according to the Tankograd TUSK book, the belly armor alone adds 1300 KGs; not sure about the tiles. Gino, again, very nice job…you continue to be a true inspiration. [;)]
cyeargin - Thank you for the compliments and the assist on the weight.