Hey all, this is just a little project I’m working on between moving and not moving. Just something small and what I’m not used to. I started out with the Academy M151A1 Shmira, however to my shegrin this thing was never used, and some say it never existed in IDF military use. Sooo back to the drawing board I went, and I found out you had to kitbash the M151A2 with the IDF parts from the Shmira kit. So I got the A2 Version by Tamiya and bashed it with parts from the Academy version, what was created was the DJAPAS. This is a reconnisance version and is going into a vignette with some IDF figs on a hillside. It is still in progress as I have to add another radio and a handset cord over the roll bar, and alot of stowage as these things were packed to the nines, hope you like what I’ve got so far.
I must say I should have went with the Academy A2 as this would have been better detailed and lack the serious amount of ejector pin marks as the Tamiya one, not to mention the Tamiya chassis didn’t even have foot pedals… oh well, the figures are out of the vehicle and a backpack will go where the details are missing