M113A1 NASA Rescue "Complete & Mounted"

Hiya Mike[:D]–

man you sure have a knack for the obscure but really interesting builds[:)]—I would be interested in a decal ‘how to’ and the computer requirements to follow through–see you Friday in Danbury—great work!!----tread[8D]

Love the subject, and looks like the build is sweet too.

Tread - That’s me, strange and obtuse…I’ll have something up on the decals. See you Fri nite.

RBear - Thanks for looking.

Rounds Complete!!

Fall chores are slowing down the build but here is where I am at.

After all the small details were added, I painted the track well and underside Tamiya Flat Black. Once that had dried, I mixed a custom blend of 80% Tamiya Flat White, 15% Green Yellow and 5% Cockpit Green for the main body color. After base coat, touchups and finish coat…

Making the decals was a bunch of hours on the computer. Here is the finished master sheet

Before making the decals, it is always good to measure twice and decal once. So after printing on plain paper, here is the test fit.

Note the rear side decal would be short…Caught an OOPs…we will fix that.

Beginning the track sections and gluing. While we wait for glue to dry, I can print out and prepare the decals.

That’s it for now. I’ll be in Chicago next weekend for work and will make a side trip to Hobby Expo Show. Hopefully be back here in two weeks with decals and tracks on.

All comments are welcome, thanks for looking.

Rounds Complete!!

Such talent and originality. The Decals are coming along fine as well as all the other aspects of this subject. I’ve been watchin’ and waiting.


A very cool and unusual build coming together nicely. Great to see someone mix their own colors and be spot on. Great work! Looking forward to the crew![;)]



Outstanding Mike! Check your exhaust pipe… from here it looks like it needs to be drilled out.

Disastermater - Thanks, you know me by now…I’m the strange and obtuse

Mobious - Thanks for your comments.

My first job in the civilian world was matching colors for plastics. I love mixing paints. More people should learn the color wheel and go online to pantone chart. It’s not that hard once you understand the basics. Thanks for noticing the color.

Kevin - Back from the 24 hour open bar at sea!!!. Thanks for the comments, hummm…I did drill the exhaust…maybe we go deeper…“nurse, get out the drill, we’re going back in”

Nice to see you back after your trip to the sea.

Rounds Complete!!

Nice work on the paint mixing, looks like a dead ringer! Test printing the decals on ordinary paper is a smart move, have to remember that one. [;)]

WOW, that’s looking really special, Mike!

I like the completely different look of it. You’re doing a bang-up job on those decals too!

Soldier on! [:D]

Nice work as usual Mike. I like your “not the run of the mill” projects. Helps keep things interesting 'round here.

Bill - Thanks for the comments.

When doing these type of complicated decals it’s always good to test first. The rear panel I made a simple mistake in tranferring the measurement. If I did not make the test set I would have wasted time and decal paper.

It’s an engineering habit to check first. Thanks again on the color

Karl - Thanks for the comments

Marc - Thanks, like I said eariler, strange and obtuse, it’s not german, it’s not a sheman and it’s not your run of the mill M113. Just trying to add some spice!!

Thanks again

Rounds Complete!!

Wow…you get an A+ for original subject matter and decal efforts! Wonder why these were painted in that “cream?” color??? I have always loved the 113—so many variants, and I feel the Tamiya kit still holds it own…

Manny - Thanks, the Academy kit is also quite good. I had the Italeri kit on the shelf and this was a good use for it. Overall the kit is not that bad.

Original M113s used by NASA (early Gemini flights) were OD with US Army markings removed. Then they were all white with the NASA meatball on them for Apollo. I presume these vehicles responsibility was moved from launch control (during Gemini and Apollo) to the rescue group (for the Shuttle) and I would bet their other vehicles (fire engines etc.) are the same greenish yellow color.


Rounds Complete!!

She’s coming along great. Can’t wit t see it done and with the decals on it. Great job so far.

Gino - Thanks for using the gunners quadrant!

I appreciate you comments

Rounds Compete!!

Hey Mike[:D]

I don’t know to much about the great builds you pick, but the learning curve always increases when I follow one of your choices!!–nice work,my friend-----tread[8D]

Well I have been running the past few weeks, first to AMPS East then traveling for work. I finally had a chance to get some bench time to apply the decals. This one was a challenge since most armor models are sparse with the decals but this subject is full of decals and some big decals. Thank God I made two sets…had a few OOPS. But after getting through some challenges here we go.

Front View

Driver’s side and front

Rear and Oppisite side

Now I’m working in the indy tracks…the knitting of armor models. Hope to be back soon with tracks and skirts, ready for weathering

All comments are welcome, thanks for looking.

Rounds Complete!!

This one just keeps gettin better redleg!! Its a mirror image of the pic!! Great work on the custom decals!

Jester - Thanks for looking and your comments.

Rounds Complete!!