Dropped into my local Model shop only to find that they had a sale on (in January??? are they mad??) well it seems theres2 M10 s included in the sale items both around the same price. Which kit is the best or are there things to look out for in either kit.
I think tediam has the AFV M10. I have their version of the M18 Hellcat and it is a fantastic kit. Sorry I wasn’t more help
Hmm, I seem to recall a thread like this being brought up a little while ago, but I can’t find it if I search.
Anywhoo, both kits have their pluses and minuses. I have the AFVClub kit, and it is a great kit. Not too certain about the academy offering, but don’t be put off by that, since academy has released many fine kits with many bonuses in the last little while.
the AFV Club kit is the only game in town if you want the more accurate kit.
Academy’s rear end (?!) is all wrong from what i read a while back.
AFV kits normally more expensive anyway, so if you see the prices even close between the 2, fill your boots with AFV and then ebay them![8D]
[:D]hi,i would take them both[:D] but thats just me[:D]
Well cost wise the AFV Club one is £21 and the Academy one is £17 not too much diference really . I noticed the AFV one had an aluminium ( thats aluminum for you Americans [:D] ) barrel and some other little extras which kinda swayed me towards paying the little bit extra.
now all I need is some spare cash and an excuse to give my wife why I need another kit.
Thanx for the info.
Be sure to post pics when you are done. Good luck with the wife
I am finishing the AFV Club M10 and really like the kit. The kit came with an aluminum barrel and a resin hedgerow cutter. It has been a pleasure to build the kit but the only annoying part of the build was the over engineered suspension. Over engineering seems to be a common thread in AFV Club kits. I’m hoping to finish it this weekend.
Decide for yourself. Here are reviews of both, compliments of Perty Military Modeling Site.
Academy M10 “Duckbill”:
AFV Club M10:
Good luck.
I just finished the academy M-10. Has some fit problems and there are quite a few enjector pin marks in very hard places to fill and sand. The decals, could be me (but I doubt it[:P]) left some silvering even after a coat of future. The interior was verynice though. No problem there. The kit comes with a couple different choices of wheels, late and early. The detail is pretty good. Accuracy-i have no idea, but it looks good![:D] The kit comes with stiff vynl tracks, they are detailed but they have a serious draw back. the suspension system can be made workable, if you glue right, but the tracks are to stiff and the working suspension is therefore ruined.
the kit came with a sprue of Extras. there is a wide variety of things on it. The last thing i will mention is the .50 Cal. According to a review on Pmms, out of all the plastic 50 cals, this one is the best. Just dril out the barrel and it looks great! Unfortunatley I lost mine when I took it off the pain the model[:(]
But I really, despite all of these really really enjoyed the build. I think it was because i really wanted to build one. the AM things I would get would be spare, workable tracks, and some different decals.
M1abramsRules built the Academy one a while back and was pretty impressed with it if I’m correct.
Thanx for the review links they were very interesting . The whole reason I was drawn to these 2 kits was Id previously spotted an Osprey book in which Steve Zaloga tackled an M10 (I think) and also theres a GB going on right now that it would fit nicely . Having looked at both reviews I think the AFV kit has the edge on detail but it also appears to have more probs with filling and pin marks. Im going to have to go with the extra detail tho and stick with my AFV club decision.
Again many thanx for all your help.