m1 a2 abrams tank

Does anyone know of a good paint scheme to follow for my new m1 a2 abrams tank???

Help please

I’ve got some good shots of a Marine M1A2 from two different angles. Just can’t tell what the name is on the bore evacuatory. Drop me an email and I can send you the pics.

Here’s one, I’m only going to leave this online until June, so if you are trying this link after that date, email me and I’ll send you a copy.


It’s a 700kb image, so you might want to right-click the link and select “Save as . . .”. Just be sure to put it somewhere you’ll be able to find it again.



Nice pic! That’s one of the 1st ID Abrams’ from what I can tell, 4/64 Armor. Its an M1A1 though. I think I may build one of my new kits as that one!

Thanks cobra,
It was labeled wrong from the source - I only would have noticed the error if it was Pre-1945 German armor. I’ll update my link and the pic.


Did anyone see the picture of the tank named Boregasm? i lagughed my ****** off at that name (it was on the bore evacuator), but what service and units was it from?


Where’d you see that? I’ve got 4 Abramses building now and still have yet to decide on markings for them…

It was in the paper up here. The Calgary Sun. Just showed the front quarter, looked like desert paint. I’ll look for a link, maybe i can find the pic.

I found the tank picture on the site. It is an internal link, so i’ll walk you thru the steps to find the picture. First, go to calgarysun.com. then, along the left hand side, there should be a menu, about halfway down there is an entry “News”, and right under it “War in Iraq”. click War in Iraq. once it gets to the war in iraq page, along the right hand side is a picture guide. The tank is the first picture in the second April 8 entry. I’m stupid; i don’t know why I thought it was in desert camo; it’s just normal woodland.


Thanks! I got a few good shots off of that website. The paint job on “Boregasm” is gonna be interesting. Looks like they attempted to overspray a little desert tan over the woodland scheme. I’m thinking for the highlights I’m going to use an extra fine needle on my airbrush and accent the woodland scheme with desert tan. Then a healthy dry brushing over the entire tank with a very light tan. Now I just have to make the stencils…

Glad you found it, i think i might do the same vehicle. But is it an a2 or a1

I would take a guess and say Boregasm is a Marine M1A1. Its just a guess, but looking at the markings <D/2 it looks like its consistant with other Marine Corps tanks, and quite different from the marking arrangement on the 3ID tanks.

1st Battalion 5th Marines
Got this info from under the photo.

Yup, it a USMC M1A1 (not an A2 as I originally thought… damn Dazzler!)
<D/2 would be D Company, 2nd Tank Battalion, 1st MarDiv. I’m not sure if the Marines have the same chevron designations as the Army. I don’t think so, because the < would be C Company, and this one is clearly marked D Co. Any thoughts?

I’m working on a 3/69 M1A1 right now from B Company and a 4/64 M1A1 with mine plow from D Company. Got 3 more after these two!

Here are a bunch of pictures of Abrams for reference. If you have any more, upload them also, :slight_smile:


2nd Marine Corp Division d/2. The Marine Corp consists of four and this one is from Camp Lejuene North Carolina.


Thanks for the correction, wasn’t sure about the division D/2 was attached to. :slight_smile:

As far as an M1A2, I’ve built the DML kit and I’m marking it as “X166” from A Company, 1/10 Cavalry, 4th ID. It LOOKS like its coded A36.

Major G, am I correct in assuming that A36 would be the 3rd platoon leader’s tank?

This one’s got a nice paint scheme too, with the left fender and a few bogeys left green in an overall desert sand scheme. Looks like they were replacement parts after the tank was painted. I’ve got a shot of the tank being offloaded in Iraq, so it is in-country. Check out that pic and a few others I’ve got at


Just took a look at the tank. The bumper number is A-66 and is the company commander’s tank. Actually since it is a Cav unit, the troop commander’s tank. The “X166” is the Tac (tactical) number. The number as looking at the tank from the front is:
4I 1 10CAV A66

Number “4” denotes 4th, Letter “I” stands for Infantry, sometimes a dash is used between battalion/squadron and regiment, but it doesn’t look like it in this case. Bumper number 66 is always the commander, platoon leaders use 11, 21 or 31.

As far as the tac number, we used to use a series of geometric shapes within shapes, but just prior to Desert Storm (89), we went to a numerical system (2 digit seen in most Abrams kits). I imagine that the X166 breaks down like this:
X=1-10 CAV
1=1st company or in this case A Troop
66=Co. Cdr’s tank

Most likely each battalion in the division has a letter and the Div Cav’s is “X”.

Major G,

Thanks very much for the help. Now that I take a closer look at the picture, it is definitely A66.

Would you happen to have any idea what works best as rope in 35th scale? I’m trying to replicate the rope around the bustle rack in the left of the pic. I’ve already got the road wheels mounted on either side, the ammo boxes and provision for the Tac ID plate.

Thanks again!