Here’s a little collection I’ve managed to accumulate over the years:
Catchy title, there John!
That’s a pretty cool page, lemmee ask U…
That DML kit of the F-23, did it have any real problems going together?
Fade to Black…
No show-stoppers, no. The canopy doesn’t fit great, though. And good luck getting through the entire build without breaking those tails off once or twice! :D.
Very nice collection, John. I like the Scamp best. Very sexy machine, I think. What about the YF-17…?
Great site. I didn’t even realize there were kits for some of those aircraft.
In reference to the YF-23: I was stationed at Edwards AFB when the “flyoff” was conducted. In talking with some of the test pilots for the program, they said the YF-23 was probably the better aircraft, but the F-22 would be selected. Why? Because Northrop already had the contract to build the B-2. The government didn’t want one company to produce the new bomber and fighter, leaving the other aerospace companies out in the (bankruptcy?) cold. Politics![:o)] Gotta love it.
AFIntel, TSgt USAF
Nice theme. I always felt the YF-23 looked better than the '22.
You must love grey by now [;)]
E-gads! I´ve never seen that Boeing JSF in profile! Its almost a charicature! Not too disimilair to a tadpole either… Very strange… Rather less than pretty…
I am just wondering, why do they let companies spend time, effort and resources in aircraft development if the design will be doomed in the first place?
First of all, nice sight, John. It’s always fun to take a jog through history.
In answer to markuz226, politics again rears its ugly head. The government cannot arbitrarily give contracts to whoever it wants. They have to be “impartial” and accept bids from anyone who wishes to compete. They may have already decided which one they want, but they can’t show favoritism toward a specific company or designer. Too many lawsuits.
John, is your site down? I keep getting an error page from Geocities when I click on the link. I have been trying since this morning.
neat idea! it could use a YB-32 or a YB-35… maybe an XP-55
Very nice John! The site finally worked for me just a few minutes ago.
That was just a temporary setup for that page. It’s still there, but Geocities sucks. Try my main model site:
The “losers” setup is at the bottom of page three.
Is there a 1/72 kit of that puppy? Anyhow, it doesn’t really fit with the losers since it eventually became the F-18.
The YF-23 was the first modern jet I’ve built in a few years. I was getting depressed by all the Ghost Gray. When I had all four of these models in my hands to carry them to the photo table, I looked at them and couldn’t tell where one stopped and the other started. Modern subjects sure have gotten boring since the low-viz craze started.
Hi John, cool site. That F16XL is sweet I converted mine to the two seater using spares from the Matchbox kit. I had a look at the startrek “what if” ships they are brilliant, Nice one…Greg
Cool site! I have all those kits except for the JSF. I’ll try to get some inspiration from your very nicely done kits and build them. The F-16XL isn’t really a loser though as NASA still uses at least one of them and they are very successful at their research roles.[;)]