Looking for someone to assemble my 928S Model

Looking for a crafty and artistic model maker to assemble my 1/24 scale Porsche 928 Model. I have never been good in assembling fine scale plastic models.

Will pay $ 100 once work is completed and will pay up to $ 25 in supplies.

Please contact me if you are interested.

This is a rare model and I do not want to mess it up.

Serious inquiries please.



I’m interested. Send me a email. Where do you live, what kind of details,etc. Also a phone # so I can contact you off line.
If you’d like to see my work, I have a couple of posts here you can look at, or I have photos posted at www.photopile.com Go to the gallery, look under cool cars, all the models there are mine. Looking forward to hearing from you.

GIVE ME A EMAIL AT info@scalemodelingbychris.com i have been building customer models for a while now, check out my home page for samples of my work at www.scalemodelingbychris.com


Someone has already responded and is working on it. Many thanks though and I will keep you mind if I get another model.

Many thanks,


Sounds good.

Midnight Prowler does an awesome car model.

Thank you Ron for the kind words.