Not sure where to look, but I’m looking for an old issue of Military Modeler. My late father built an M3 Lee ARV and it was in an issue of the magazine. My wife doesn’t understand my looking for this issue. My dad had built this conversation of the Lee and it was used to base manufacturer kits on. Can anyone help? If it helps my dad’s name was Roger Hathaway.
If you know the issue,maybe ebay
Probably not the one you are looking for, but here’s one from '78, available on Fbay.
Could this be it?
“Old Crow” by Roger Hathaway, Military Modeler, Vol. 5, No. 8 (August 1978).
This is a very old but excellent article, it has probably been re-printed since, however the magazine is now defunt. Hathaway describes how to convert the Tamiya Lee into an M31.
Found it cited in an online build.
Thanks for the help but that’s not the issue. I found it, it’s the August 1978, Vol. 5 No. 8 issue.