Lighting References Sought

Can anyone point me at some online articles on lighting models? I am trying not to reinvent the wheel. I need to know when people go series and parallel and why. I also want to know how to put the right resistor in series with LEDs. Any help is welcome.

There is a thread to it here:

That’s a great reference, thanks for referring me to it. What would really help me at my stage of the game is learning how to add lights to the models themselves. I could try everything from scratch, I guess, but I would like to learn from others, given the chance. Any leads are helpful.

There is a guy over at the Hobby Talk forum – – that did the most incredible SpinDrift I have ever seen… It has lighted instrument panels, and engines as well as all the traditional lighting…

His screen name there is Fluke… you might look him up, we REALLY knows his stuff on lighting!!!

thanks dude, I’ll go check it out[8D]

I believe it was FSM that ran an article one time about lighting up a Star Wars AT-AT or something like that. This would have been quite a few years back already. Maybe someone else here has a better idea of exactly when it ran. It covered a lot of the stuff that you’re lookin at.
