I[8] am about to start building revells’ le clerc in 1/72 scale but i dont like the colour schemes in the kit .I was hoping to build one in united arab emirates colours but cant find any refs to the schemes or the colours used .Iam going to use humbrol paints so if anyone can help i would really appreciate it
The Leclerc EAU is, as far as I can make it, a slightly different beast, with new side skirts and a number of new equipment that give the vehicle a different appearance from its French brother. I have a couple of pics showing French tanks in Qatar, in manoeuvres, with a sand/dark green (black?) camo, but I’m not sure if that’s the one used by the UAE forces. The UAE Leclercs are Serie 1 machines I think, and the Revell kit is a Serie 2. There would be a number of small modifications to get the Serie 1 tank from the Revell kit on top of adding the different equipment of the UAE Leclercs.
The French forces in Kosovo used a winter camo over their normal colours. This might be an easier option…