I have been working on the Tamiya M16 Gun Carriage for the better part of a week. Most of it was completed, with only a small amount left on the drivers bay and weathering to finish this little gem of a kit. However, while at work today, my 2 year old daughter decided that OD Green was the incorrect color for the half track, and that blood red would be much nicer. An entire bottle of paint went into her efforts to modify the color scheme, as well as my desk, painting area, chair, carpet, etc. without the usual brushing techniques. Needless to say, my truck is now in “Carnage Camoflauge” for lack of a better term.
Just thought that I would share. If anybody else has such stories, please share your grief here, as well.
Sorry, no such horror stories here ( %$@, just jinxed myself, didn’t I?). My son was told from an early age that “models are for grownups, toys are for little kids” and has kept his little paws off.
That’s not to say that he hasn’t “influenced” things. About a year ago, I was channel surfing with him in the room and one of the Discovery channels had footage from a deep-sea sub. Recognizing this, he demanded ( as any eager 4-year-old would ) that I turn it back to the submarine. It turned out to be one of the many shows on the Titanic. He was hooked on the subject immediately.
The real fun started the next week, when we visited the hobby shop. He saw a familiar ship with four funnels and brought the kit to me saying that I had to build Titanic. I still haven’t quite finished that thing.
It hasn’t stopped. I made the mistake of mentioning CBP #4 in front of him and he can’t understand why I don’t start building Yamato right away. He even woke me up Saturday morning, kit box in hand, “Daddy! Wake up and build Yamato!”
My wife is thrilled. Another likely modeller in the house![:p]
I couldn’t even find my way back to “normal” with the Hubble!
Sorry to hear that Demono… What a hellish sight this must have been! I took the ‘easier’ route by marrying a girl with two kids who had been through the ‘discovery years’, so I could show them straight away how to do it properly!
Bless her heart, she tries, though. When confronted, her answer was that she was helping daddy paint for his birthday. What do you say to that kind of sweetness?
Demono, You’re right, it’s hard to punish that kind of help!!
To remedy the situation, just take every extra figure you have from different kits, chop them up into pieces then scatter them across the truck, Do a heavy wash and add more red!!!
“Thank you” is about all you can say. Mine will do something naughty, she’s 3 1/2, and as I’m scolding her she’ll say “Daddy, I love you” as she bats her little blue eyes. What can a guy do!?
One evening, some years ago, when I returned from work, my wife greeted me at the door with a very strange look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong, she asked me not to get too excited or upset, but!!! [:(]
My son had returned home from school and was taking practice swings with his wiffle bat near where I had my 1/72 aircraft models displayed on shelves in JoHan display cases. My wife scolded him and told him to do that in his room or go outside to do it. With that, he took one last swing. The bat slipped out of his hands and wiped out one entire shelf. When I saw the damage, there were five cracked Sho Cases full of various parts. [:(] Actually most of the damage was to landing gear, antennas, props and a canopy or two. When I confronted my son, he was sitting in his room shaking all over. All I did was ask him if he had a good time that afternoon. [:(!]
I never punished him for what happened. I didn’t have to. He told me several days later that, at the very least, he thought he would end up in intensive care. I’m sure that what was going through his mind all that afternoon was worse than anything that I could have done…maybe. [B)]
About 10 years ago my Autistic son (he’s 18 now) got into my closet (were I was trying to keep it out of his hands), and opened all by paints and fingerpainted my unfinished 1/32 F14 Tomcat. Thankfully it was the cheaper Monogram version and not the Tamiya.
When my now 30 yr old son was about 12, I came home to find him and his friends experimenting with gunpowder on MY MODELS. It seems one of them found a pack of firecrackers his older brother had and they needed something to blow up. They all achieved ace status that day and I think I let my son out of his room last year!
Demon 69,
Very sorry to hear about your M16 Gun Carriage - it’s a shame when your hard work gets trashed by something beyond your control…
But I do have two questions: Something that we should all pay particular attention to -
Why is your work bench (possibly full of dangerous chemicals and sharp tools) accessible to a 2 year old?
Who was watching her at the time?
My two daughters are aware (very aware) that dad’s workbench is a no-go zone. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondance will be entered into. But I also keep the nasty stuff out of harm’s way beyond their reach, because I know that people are stupid, kids are curious (and have no fear), and I don’t want to see anyone hurt.
As for the “who was watching her” remark, I mean no offense, but you’d never take your eyes off her if she was near water, would you? The same reaction must always be second nature - a matter of policy - when it comes to kids and their access to sharps or chemicals. Any type of chemical.
I lament the passing of your M16 Gun Carriage. Hindsight sucks.
I hope all your future lessons are painless.
My workbench is in our downstairs area, where my kids are not allowed to go under any circumstances. How she got access was…
My wife was “watching” her (by that, I mean asleep on the couch.)
And what, dear readers, have we learned from this?
A) Things that are off limits to children are only so if you are watching them
B) My wife sleeps too much, and at the most inappropriate times
My sincere condolences for your loss. Where can I send the flowers?
My comments were certainly not meant to be a condemnation of your wife’s parenting skills and I hope they were not taken as such. Rest assured no insult or offense was intended. Never flagging vigilance is the only way to keep our little munchkins from doing themselves an injury. There’s a sad truth in the fact that sometimes the damage from some injuries cannot be overcome and are permanent, despite the best medical care.
This issue is something we all need to be keenly aware of and we all must take whatever steps necessary to prevent Demon69’s tragedy.
But his tragedy could have been worse - much worse - what’s the price of his trashed M16 model when compared against the precious life of his daughter?
I know the value I place upon my own daughters lives - a price beyond measure.
I’m glad she’s ok, and that your lesson was cheap.
Cheers, mate
I whole heartedly agree. It could have been far worse, and I’m more upset with the possibility of her getting hold of several #11 blades, or swallowing a mouthful of CA. The worst she got out of it was a big glob of red hair and impromptu painted fingernails.
NEWS FLASH! Scientists have learned that escaped children heading for bowls of ice cream, model airplanes, swimming pools and electrical outlets have been clocked at Mach 3[:)].