to introduce myself I will start with the fact I have been modelling since I was 5 years old. Never been away from the hobby for long. Started on Airfix “Buck a Bag Kits” and never looked back. HO and Garden Railways have been a huge part of my life but my passion has always been armor. 1/35th Armor and soft-skin vehicles are my choice now with the emphasis on WW2 and lately Canadian military models. I feel these foriums will be really beneficial.
I’ve been looking for Canadian models as well. Found an old CF-100 from Aurora which is now in my stash along with 3 CF-105’s.
Welcome to the forum proberts. You’re right about these modeling forums being highly beneficial. I have the members of this forum as well as others abroad to thank for my current skillset in modeling. Glad to have you here bud.
Welcome to the new and improved forum
Welcome to the forum! I look forward to seeing your builds!
Best regards,
Welcome to the forums! Great to have you here. Look forward to getting to know you.
Hello to everyone. Long time modeler but took some time away from the hobby to live life. Now retired and have some time on my hands so I am beginning, slowly to arrange for some work space to restart doing some kits. Usually do aircraft and a few cars. Might also delve into some armor and ships someday.
Great to have you with us Kevin and we’re looking forward to seeing your work when you get all set up bud.
Welcome everyone! Looking forward to seeing what builds you’re all working on…