All these guys need now is a BBQ pit and a few piglets.
Modeling airplanes is all well and good but you shouldn’t forget the folks who flew and maintained them. These are some of the guys I use for various diorama settings. I always recommend that you have a box to save every one of the figures you may acquire with a kit even if you think you’l never use it. I don’t know how may times I’ve ended up slicing a figure apart and rebuilding it to find some bizarro need or trading a few off for someone one had need of them.
nice collection of figures. whats that guy doing in the back? the one standing on some platform?
He is loading 88mm ammo into a 262 bomber destroyer - a Dragon kit.
You should grab some little pigs from a barnyard set or something similar. That way, you could have a luau dio and just borrow guys when you need them for something. It’ll help keep the little ones in high morale.
I need a barbeque pit myself. I just bought this house and don’t have one here yet. I miss grilling burgers.
maybe you can get the chow hound to being the pit to ya
oh boy looks like the party is started. swanny i have many figures but have never gotten around to painting them. looks like i had better learn.
Is the clear box on the left is where they put the guys who drink to many alcoholic beverages?
I always keep the figures from my kits too. I don’t have as good a collection as that though.
Bravo Swanny!! [:D] I too have a spares box full of old figures, but none of mine are painted and dressed out like yours are!!
Thanks for the BBQ! [:)]
I recognise everyone of those guys!!! I got 'em all plus some.
I can’t believe you ain’t got the Monogram T-6 instructer in that group! You know the one? He’s the one climbing into the cockpit.
I need to get some more of mine painted, too.
i tend to throw away the guys from my kits but that will change! its kinda off topic, but did anyone read “the indian in the cupboar” by lynn reid banks ? its about this kid who discovers a cupboard that turns any kind of plastic model into the real thing - especially figures. i just think its really cool. can u imagine a real 1/32 phantom with its pilot? cool !