Jason Gares is the new associate editor for FineScale Modeler magazine


I’m pleased to announce Jason Gares (@Jason_Gares) has joined FineScale Modeler as an associate editor. Jason is a contest-winning modeler, long-time hobbyist, and has experience both in front of and behind the camera, which makes him a great addition to our video content. He fits the ethos of helping modelers build their skills and techniques while finding enjoyment in model-making that has made FSM, the largest-circulation and best-known scale modeling magazine in the world. Welcome, Jason, to FineScale Modeler magazine and the FSM Forum!


Welcome @Jason_Gares to FSM and the Forum! This wouldn’t happen to be his website would it?

Welcome @Jason_Gares! Looking forward to seeing your many contributions. Especially if they help me build my skills, which are in desperate need of building!

Welcome @Jason_Gares

Thank you @Tim_Kidwell1 for the kind introduction. I will do my best to bring something fresh, insightful, educational and fun to the FSM table. Though, even at my age, I’m still learning. :wink:


@fxsti03-42 @gomeral @PhoenixG Thank you all for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it. @PhoenixG Yes, that’s my website. It sure needs an overhaul. Maybe I’ll get to that soon…


Welcome @Jason_Gares !


Thank you, much appreciated! :slight_smile:

It’s that kinda attitude that will fit in just fine around here. Welcome! Hope you have some time to participate on the forum in between “official” duties.

Welcome aboard Jason. :raised_hands: Careful with the age thing…you don’t wanna give it away too quickly ya know. 6LnXAP

Welcome aboard @Jason_Gares! Looking forward to your contributions to the forums. :raised_hands:

@Toimi_Tom @mustang1989 @ScaleModeler66 Thank you all for the WARM welcome, I appreciate it very much! :slight_smile:

@Toimi_Tom I’ll see what I can do. :wink:
@mustang1989 Oh you KNOW I don’t! :wink:
@ScaleModeler66 As I will of yours. :wink:


Welcome Jason! The coffee is ready and the kettle is boiling (if you prefer tea)

Welcome to FSM @Jason_Gares

Looking forward to your perspective and involvement with the magazine. I’m sure you will put your unique mark on it.



Wishing you success and all things nice at FSM, Jason.

Would be great to hear a little bit about your areas of interest in scale modelling, or how you got into it.

Guess we will soon ‘see’ you in the FSM videos.

@Tim_Kidwell1 hey Tim, when is the next video coming out?


@roger_wilco Thank you, I appreciate it! :slight_smile:
@Frozin Thank you! :slight_smile: That’s the plan. I hope to at the very least add something fresh, insightful and fun to the publication., :wink:
@Edwin I appreciate it. :wink: In short… I’ve been involved with scale modeling in one form or another since 1977. I was influenced by my grandfather who made bi-planes, tri-planes, and river boats from scratch with mostly balsa wood. Plus, from many other people over the years. I don’t want to give too much more away… But, thanks for asking. :wink:

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I remember watching your videos a ways back- learned a lot! Welcome!

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Thank you, I appreciate it! :slight_smile: Hopefully I’ll be making new videos for FSM that will both educate and entertain. :wink:


Welcome to Fine scale Modeler Jason! I hope that you enjoy your new position and I look forward to seeing your work.


Thank you, I appreciate it. :slight_smile: