For those unfamiliar, Jane’s Tools is a vendor I met at the Nats in Ohio several years back. I made a purchase or two there, and a couple online since. Nice folk, great prices.
I wanted to order something and see they have no upcoming shows (no surprise due to virus) but online ordering seems to be deactivated.
Anyone have any info? I hope they are ok down there.
PS, it’s been a long time since I’ve ordered, this may have been going on for a while.
Would that be the lightly built older lady? Approx 60ish? If so, I met her and her helper at our Last train show BEFORE Covid 19 ruined the show schedules for everybody. Nice folks, But, no replies to my E-mails as president of our RailRoad Museum.
That’s too bad about Jane. I guess it would have been 2015 in Columbus when spoke with whomever I spoke with. Perhaps Jane, or whomever was handling her booth.
Yeah, it’s been awhile. Now, the last meeting we had ( By Skype) was short and to the point. We may have to remain closed till after the Christmas Holidays. This means of course our October Train Show is cancelled too. I hope we can do the Spring Show. Remember Free entry means we rely Mainly on donations for the day to day operations such as maintenance etc.
It has been a lousy year to be president of anything. Here, the President of the Museum is also Chairman of the Board.
Our local model railroad show is still on for Aug. 22-23. The owner of our local hobby shop has worked closely with the city and state health department to allow the show. Just found out yesterday that Jane’s Tools just signed up as last minute vendor, so they are still around!
That would be great, Dave. If so, and if you remember, it would be great if you could ask why online sales are disabled. Hopefully it is a temporary situation.