Iwata HP-C

Just purchased a Iwata HP-C and don’t know if I got in over my head. Had bad experience with the infamous Aztek 4709, after returning 3 of them, that’s right 3, I decided on the Iwata based on positive input from users, web support and price. I would like some layman pointers on this AB before I jump into it. It looks, feels good but the internal plumbing looks intimidating. Have about 30 days to get a feeler for this, I need to make this work and just need some direction.
Thanks Hank


I would call Dave Monnig at Coast Airbrush in Anaheim, CA and ask his advice. He is one of the most knowledgable people in the country on airbrushes and compressors and he loves Iwata products. [:D]
Here is a link to their web site with the phone number:

