I've been neglecting you...

Although I’m ashamed to admit it, I haven’t been paying alot of attention to the ‘Welcome-Introduce Yourself’ forum. Let me start by just giving you all a warm welcome and encouraging you to contribute and ask questions wherever you like. FSM has set-up a great site!

Check out the ‘Community Build Project’!! We’re having alot of fun and we’ve only just begun!!

As for myself, I’m from Saskatoon, Canada and am involved in my local club (SMAS - Scale Modellers Association of Saskatoon). I’ve been ‘toying’ around in the hobby for about 6 or 7 years now, but only recently have I put a little more focus into the past-time that I enjoy so much!



Good club you belong to there Mkish…vrey active with some excellent modellers!

Yeah, they’re a pretty good group. Some really good armour guys in the group too!! Actually, the group is fairly diverse. Lots of variety!!

We just got ‘shirts’ made so we’re pretty proud.

Where are you living shermanfreak? If your in the area, there’s our local contest coming up on May 3/4 here in Stoon. There’s also a ‘hobby’ show next weekend in conjunction with the railroad group and the r/c group.


“toontown” is a bit of a long drive for me now…last time I was there was about 5 years ago. Work commitments pretty much keep me close to home now. But I do have pleasant memories of the Saskatoon modeler’s displays at the Moose Jaw Air Show about 8 years ago. Still have a couple of pics somewhere!

Hi mkish! I was at the last year’s contest and was amazed at the level of modeling ability here in Saskatoon. I’ll be at the train show too since my interest is primarily HO model railroading. My one other passion is armor. I’m creating a military flatcar load set with stuff from Roco and Trident. May be able to get my brother into HO armor as well - he wants to wargame with a small-scale force. See you at the show!

I’ll be looking for you. I don’t think I’m going to be ‘working’ at the SMAS table that day because I have a few other commitments in my calendar. However, I will be wearing my ‘badge’ so be on the lookout for M. Kish. If you want to send me an email off-forum that would be fine.
