It's all about the weathered models

As most of you already know, I just love weathering everything, especially when it is in a diorama. Even if it is running weathering(nothing heavy), weathering on a truck. Here are just a some photo collages of weathered models.

A truck fifth Wheel Weathering. I used these:

1. An old MIG oil & grease stain solution
2. Vaseline
3. Black, rust, & dust pigments


I have always enjoyed your post because of the things I learn, or the tips and techniques you educate me with. Your weathering is flawless and it always suits the scene of your dioramas.
Please keep posting :laughing::laughing: I’m learning a lot, and I always see great ideas also :raised_hands:t3:

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I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. Glad to be of help in any way possible.

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Such amazing work. There’s a lot to like here, but one that really stood out to me is that excavator bucket. From green plastic to looking absolutely real. Amazing work.

Growing up in farm country, I also really like that tractor. Looks like a Ferguson? Does it by chance have it’s own post here on FSM?

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Hi and thanks for your response. Yes, it is a ferguson, Fe20. It was commission work from a client, who asked me to weathered it for him. It is a scale 1:12 die-cast model. Very heavy.

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I always say how your stuff looks like photos of the actual stuff


Wow! I found it hard to believe that these were photos of scale models and not the real thing. Thanks for this photo collage. It’s very motivational. I’m a lot like you in that I love to weather everything I build.

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Big thanks for that.

HeHe! I just think it brings to life more. Doesn’t need heavy weathering, just enough, depending on the theme or topic at hand.

The work you’ve pulled off here is nothing short of spectacular but what I think throws your truck builds over the top is the weathering on the wheels and tires. Very realistic.

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Once again, I am honoured by your response. Thank you kindly. I do try and make everything as close to the real thing, without it being, what I call, a ‘Showroom’ weathering model. :wink:

Hello Charles!
I’d say you love it and it shows! It’s always good to look at a labor of love, so thanks a lot for sharing! Have a nice day

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Yeah Pawel, you do know me well. :slight_smile: Thanks.

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Impressive! I echo the sentiments that on some of those, it looks like a photo of the 1:1 item, very realistic. I can only hope that I can come close to that skilled with weathering!

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Bg thank you. Natural lighting played the biggest part in making it look the way that it does.I also try to build using 4000K bulbs.

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