I attempted to do a weathering wash on my model yesterday with a mixture of isopropyl alcohol, water and acrylic paint. After applying this, I wiped it with a paper towel and it removed all the paint down to the plastic (I tried to add a photo but wasn’t able to). I have primed it with tamiya primer, base coat of tamiya acrylic and a top clear acrylic coat. I did this over a number of weeks so I assume it should of cured. Any clues as to why this happened and is it salvagable?
Oh, man, sorry I didn’t see this post earlier, and I’m sorry that paint reacted that way; I understand the frustration. I’m not sure how bad it is without seeing it. It is salvageable, but it takes some work. You might have to strip the coats off and start again unless it’s only in one area; then you might just do some new paint coats to fix the area. I don’t use Tamiya, so I’m not sure what types of washes work. Keep at it, my dad had issues back in the day airbrushing gloss black Polly S (which at the time we didn’t realize you "couldn’t " do). Three attempts and two paint strips later, he got it done! He’s never done a black Phantom since[:D]
Sorry this happened to you. Did you clean the model surface before you applied your primer? If not, it may be that the primer never really bit into the plastic, so it also just wiped away when you put a little pressure on it. Also, if at all possible, use a clear coat that is the opposite of what you are using for weathering. So, that would mean you would have wanted to use a non-water based clear coat before weathering. That gives you a better chance of not having your weathering materials eat into your other coats. I’m really surprised that Tamiya primer didn’t bite into the plastic. I assume you mean the stuff in the spray can. Most likely, the model had a lot of mold release still on it, or some kind of contamination. I use 90% Isopropyl alcohol to wipe down the parts and then spray with Tamiya Surface Primer. The good news is that it’s hard to ruin a model with acrylic paint. If you feel like you just have to start all over, you can soak it in Windex for an hour or two and most of that acrylic paint will come right off, and you can start all over. No worries. Barrett
Obviously you’re down to bare plastic so you have to repaint. The alcohol is what most likely ate the Top coat though. You haven’t ruined the model just the paint job, we’ve probably all been there at one time or another so be of good cheer and get to work !!
Yes water and a touch of dish soap is pretty safe, works with craft paint washes too on clean up as long at you catch the dry time right. Artist acrylics too. I haven’t tried the pastels, gonna have to give that a whirl one of these days, every now and then someone mentions it and it sparks an interest every time…