International Vac-forming Modelers Forum

Please don´t take me wrong.[:(]
This is not an advertise.
I just would like to inform our comunity that we have created a new Forum, dedicated to the vac-forming only.
The link is:

If I recall correctly, there have been some discussions in the past about vac-forming. I would think a dedicated forum for vac-forming would be very useful to the modeling community. I wish you the best with the vac-forming forum. [:)]

I’m not very familiar with vac-forming. Is it primarily limited to aircraft or would it apply to other subjects? If it does, maybe this is something that could be moved to the General Discussion area?

I’ve seen both aircraft and sci-fi in vac-form. Maybe it deserves it’s own forum.

I enjoy building vacuformed kits. That is, as long as it’s a high quality kit. I have the Aviation Usk B-32 Dominator and can’t wait to get started! As for the art of vacuforming itself, I have an old Mattel Vacuform machine and am limited to small parts, which is just fine with me!

There are vac-forming for almost every single subject, specialy from East Europe manufactures.
This forum was created because we need a place to talk about all these issues and try to show to other modeleres that this kind of products must have a place in our comunity.
I would like to invite you all to check it out.

We have faced some problems last days but now the site is running well.
Let me know if you find any other bug.

Maybe it’s a genetic flaw but I love vacs!! Forum yes please. Will trading be allowed? Best regards Woody

Vacs suck! Get it? Vacs suck… nevermind! [B)]

Your forum has some problems. I signed up and everything is locked. Doesn’t appear to be any posting but from the site staff. All the topics are locked! I’ll try one last time tomorrow to post! Love vacs but site needs work.