What color(s) were used in the PT boats? (ie: engine room, Crew quarters,etc) As y’all know, I’m planning to detail out a 1/72 Revell. I know, it’ll be a challenge on such a small scale but hey,… modeling is FUN… TIA Eddie
Light Green… The Navy Loves Light green …Its in all their interiors from submarines to Carriers
Testors Israeli green is close enough.
Not green. The response from Bill Smallshaw on Hyperscale/Ship Chat is correct with respect to it being. Dig out your Chun for confirmation
Ed, I’m currently waiting for payday so I can go to Barnes & Noble to see if they have the Chun’s book & a few others. I’m sure the Library will have it (or can get it) & will stop by there soon.
EdGrune, I recieved word that the interior was indeed a fire Retardant white.
“From the specs manual for the 565 series boats: …Entire interior shall be painted with one coat of primer, glazed as required, and two coats of fire retardant white paint…”
I also went to B&N today to look for some books. Got one on order (Allied Coastal Forces of WWII) Hopefully I’ll get it. WIll stop by the library soon & see what I can find there too.
The Fire retardant white had a grayish green tint to it that faded to a light green color similar to the Israeli Green mentioned before. I have a reliable source a gentleman who rode two different ELCO 80s and a 77 footer as skipper or Navigator/XO during the War. He also remembers a very light green/gray being used in the Cabin and berthing bulkheads.
He does remember his training boat in Newport R.I. ( a higgins ) had all white interiors.The lighter color in engine room aided in finding leaks and gave better lighting conditions . He does say with candor that it didn’t matter much because after a few months operations the Boats become very dirty and smoke, oil and fuel stained etc. inside and out.
He still has a sharp mind and his family has always thought he could and maybe should write a book. He was the Skipper on the 510 boat I think. He has many photos all B&W unfortunitly.
This gentleman and his wife still power cruise on their classic 41 foot Matthews Cabin Cruiser… solo…
Quite a guy.
Hey Walt, Your friend sounds like a great guy. Still out relivin’ the PT days ay?(God Bless 'im!!) The lighter colors do make sense on finding leaks,etc. But man, I didn’t join the Navy because grease & I are like magnets & “White” wouldn’t survive long. Do try to talk your friend into writing a book on his PT Boat experiences. I’m sure many people would be interested in it. Eddie
Aircraft wheel wells are painted white for the same reason; so hydraulic fluid, oil and such are easier to spot. The bilges in nuclear reactor spaces are the same way!
Thanks fellas, I appreciate the advice. Now, I just need to find some good interior pics so I can start figuring out how I can put it all together…
Thanks, I have been blessed with the privledge of knowing him and several WW2 Submarine Vets who belong to US Subvets Inc. Most of them including the PT Boat Skipper are very humble guys and getting them to talk about their experiences is a challenge, but when they do it’s really something to behold. Most of them have memory lapses with items like detail and colors etc. but wow the stories are so rich with history. Unfortunitly there are fewer and fewer of them every Day… My PT Boat Skipper friend is in his early 80s… Yes his 80s and he handles that boat of his like he was 21 again…I have trouble with my 25’ walk around. Go figure.
Walt, 80yrs old & thinks he’s 21 again ay?! Impressive! Man, hope I’m like that at that age!! One thing I’ve learned from “prying” war stories out of vets is: Start off by asking a “stupid question” (one you know the right answer but, play it off as if you don’t) That’ll usually get 'em started and Look Out!! the stories fly from then on. PTers are a dying breed & their stories should be written down so future generations will know what really happened. Keep after him. Eddie
This was sent to me recently
Ok fellas, I just ordered the Victor Chun book along with the WEM PE sets for the 109 & 37mm gun. I’m looking foreward to recieving them [:D] I’ll have to wait for next payday to order the evergreen sheets & other stuff I need for this project [:(] if Santa doesn’t come thru…
jDo you have any idea about the interior colors on Kriegsmarine and Royal Navy torpedo boats. I’ve been researching these threads and I am building the Revell S-100, Airfix Vosper and the Revell PT-109. Yes, I blatantly stole the idea from the really cool work done by the gentleman in Fine Scale a couple of issues ago. I’m really trying hard not to get bogged down on minutae regarding colors and such. I’ve been seriously modeling for 10 years and my wife really wants me to finish one before I die.
Any help with the interior colors will make my life nearly complete.
Bogged Down in Buffalo
Hey Buffalo Builder, I think the RN Torpedo boats were the same as the US PT boats on the interior. I’m sure EdGrune will know more on this & I’ll check my books on the PT Boats & get back to this. AlsoI just received the book Allied Coastal Forces of WWII vol.2 written by John Lambert & Al Ross. Between it & the Chun’s book, I’ve got plenty of info to work with.
Does the Coastal Forces book mention anything on Capt. Harold T. Armstrong, R.N.?
Does the Coastal Forces book mention anything on Capt. Harold T. Armstrong, R.N.?
I just got the book & haven’t had a chance to read it fully. I just skimmed thru it to look at the pics & drawings so far. I did look to see if there was an index but, there isn’t. I’ve got the name down so, I’ll keep an eye open for it & if I find it, I’ll let ya know. [:)] May I ask who this person is & is there anything else you know about him? Such as what boat/ sqn, approx. dates of service?
Schoonerbumm, I did a google search & found this link http://www.hmshood.org.uk/reference/official/adm234/adm234-509tovey.html down about 2/3rds of the page I found a Cmdr Harold T. Armstrong C/O of the Maori who’d been pulled off escorting troop Convoy WS-8B hth, Eddie P,S, Allied Coastal Forces Vol.1 might be of interest to you as it deals with the bigger “boats” 100’ mine sweepers, etc. Vol.2 (the one I have) is on Vospers, MTBs & PT boats.
They were white Hippy Ed. Look in PT Boats In Action.
Thank you very much Garth. Much appreciated.