I’ve completely finished the interior fighting compartment for my elefant/ferdinand and can’t seem to find any references as far as interior colors. I’m assuming it would be the same as other german tank destroyers and the ceiling/walls/gun would be an ivory color. Is this correct? And would the floor of the fighting compartment in an elefant also be ivory or would it be that red metal oxide or maybe panzer grey? I’m stuck until I can decide on what to do so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Its hard knowing for sure. The interior would most likely have been the ivory. The floor, its possible. I belive thats how the stug was as well as the tiger so it’s deffinetly possible.
Hopefully someone can shed some more light on this.
since these vehicles were built mostly in 1942 and 43(from tiger prototype chassis) i would think the interior colors would definately be the ivory on top and probably the grey (like the prod. tigers) on the bottom 1/2 or 1/3 of the interior-- they didn’t start leaving them in red oxide primer until towards the latter part of the war when paint and time was running short-- the 2 tone interior paint scheme gives the crew a sense of ‘up and down’ during battle conditions from what i understand-- this is basically an educated ‘guess’-- but i would be comfortable using it if i was building ferdinand/elefant . anyway, hope it helps or is something to think about–good luck[:D]-- treadwell