Guys that play IL-2, what are your online names? I’m Jomanox (stall, spin, die)
by IL-2 do you mean like, all the expantion packs and such (FB+AEP+PF)? My name is “BigPoppaBeaver” and I usually play in a room called War Clouds WF. Really fun!
P.S. I use Hyperlobby to play.
Yes, that is what I mean, AEP+PF. What is hyperlobby? Do more people play it than
I think there might be more. Here’s where you can get it. I also reccomend that you purchase a headset (you can find em for like $15 at best buy) and use this handy little radio device to talk to members of your team. I like hyperlobby a lot. if you do decide to get it definately try the war clouds room. Another good one is spits vs 109s and wildcat vs zero (not limited to those planes, both are semi-historical mission servers)
Thanks, I tried the War Clouds server. It’s fun, but I need to learn how to fly better. A lot better. And how to read maps.