I admit I thought it was a Vietnam era river monitor! I understand now.
Good work!
Clever! Looks like the math was worth it!
Yes took awhile to figure it out!
Nice! Any detailed step-by-step notes you can add? I have the old Lindberg set I’ve been wanting to dress up a bit by doing that. What material did you use, etc? Thanks!
Ok I used .20 Evergreen styrene sheet, brass tubing and Bondo 3M Spot putty I used a compass to determine the diameter and cut the pieces into triangular sections .Glued them with CA and filled the gaps with putty.I cut out another set of styrene discs and found some brass brackets to slightly raise the canopies above the turrets.Primered and painted them gray and then cemented them to the tops of the turrets.
Thanks for the details!
thanks it was a good solution but took some thought to figure out how to make the canopies.