I guess you CAN polish one after all!

I made mention of this on another topic but felt it should be given its own to ensure that more will see it
There’s an old saying that goes “You can’t polish a turd”
Friends, I think I know someone who did.

A member of this forum who goes by the username of “oldhooker” took a previously built '60’s vintage Aurora Chinook helicopter and…well,you’ll have to see for yourselves.

Probably most of the folks who frequent the rotors forum are already aware of his work, but for those like myself who don’t spend much time there, you owe it to yourselves to check it out.

Those of us who cut our teeth on the old Aurora “box-scale” kits will have an extra appreciation for it. It’s a great site-Guaranteed to impress or I will cheerfully re-imburse your forum membership dues.

Let Frank tell you his story…http://www.gunsagogo.org