I also ordered the barrel and steel tracks. I have found a company, by the name of Aber that has a kit with 17 sheets of Photo-Etched parts, 24 Brass parts, tubes and rods, Steel tow cables and Fender screws. (the instruction manual is 52 pages long) This will be ordered next week.
Here is the link for the PE parts. Click on Photo-Etched, then 1/16. It’s at the top of the list.
Say, those brass PE parts are pretty impressive… But I’ve never used them and haven’t seen any models with them. So my question is do they result in that much of an improvement, and what adhesive do you use to bond them to the plastic?
What does the wife think of you selling the house to buy all this Eric ? LOL
Sounds like you have your project picked for the next year. Should keep you busy.
I can answer your questions for you Roy. You have probably seen quite a few models with PE on them and just didn’t know it. Some of the detail sets are rather extensive and what I do is pick and choose the parts that I think improve the parts already included in the model. Any CA glue is probably the best way to attach these parts IMO.
I bought my 1/16 Tiger a week ago and while I didn’t have to sign divorce papers, I did have to let the wife buy a 5 megapixel Sony digital camera… (Ugh!)
Actually, the kit itself IS from my wife. It is a Birthday present to me (for next month) I just had to do the ordering. She said she had no idea where to get it.
All the extras I am ordering as presents to myself [:D]
Congrats Erock! I was wondering if you’d find a deal on it somewhere. I’m glad you found Airconnection for the Aber set too. That’s where I got mine and the cheapest price I could find. That Aber set is insane and you’re going to need to sit down before you open it!!! [:p] Lots-o-parts!! [:D]
Question, who makes the steel tracks for it, have you got a link? I haven’t seen those yet and may have to look into them.
ERock, I just happen to stay on the forum all day while I’m at work so I just have more oppourtunity [:p] I can be the other Eric because I think you were here first!! [;)] [:D]