I had a nasty accident at work today which will put me out of modelling (among other things) for a while. (I smashed a finger quite badly). So I tried my hand (my good one) at making a website for my models. I am no wizz (obviously) but hopefully I can improve as I get to know the basics.
There are some nearly finished shots of my Towed Gun Diorama that I shall be sending off to Larry once I do a write up and a dull coat, so anyone who can be bothered looking gets a sneak peak.
Matt, sorry to hear to smashed a finger! I hope it heals up quick for you.
ON th eweb page, it’s looking good but as Ausf mentioned, the second page photos aren’t showing for some reason…keep at it, you’ll have a great site in no time!
I hope you have a quck and complete recovery, Matt.
Looking forward to getting those pics for the TG website! I can’t view your page from here though, as I’m at work and thus blocked to personal webpages. [:(]
Hey Hey, I hope you get well soon, phroosh!!
I loved the first diorama!! It is most amazingly detailed!! The sausage was great! What’s your secret recipe? Seriously!! [swg] Plus I wanted to tell you that your second link is not responding!! I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work!!! It’s absolutely fantastic!!! Get Well and Keep on Keeping On!!! Things will get better!!! [tup]
[8D][8D][8D] Cheers!!! [8D][8D][8D]
[8][8][8][8][8][8] Kelley [8][8][8][8][8][8]
Excellent breakfast dio, Phroosh
It made me hungry looking at the Kielbasa and Eggs!
I couldnt see the second dio either, unfortunately.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Matt, sorry to hear about the digits. I guess you won’t be asking for’ two tickets to the city" anytime soon (Aussie joke everyone).
Sig looks great. Did you do the old ‘white and yellow paint eggs’ in the frying pan, or something else. I know the sausage comes with the Tamiya troops, but did you scratch the ham? - err scratch BUILD the ham.
This wouldn’t have anything to do with a ‘Victory’ sign but the back of your hand facing out?
I know friends from England love used to love asking for two tokens at every subway booth. I guess the clerks never watched the Young Ones.
By the way Matt, I am sorry to hear of your accident, I forgot to mention that earlier. Did the Doctor prescribe Sun and plenty of warm saltwater. I am always searching for the condition that requires this cure.
Thanks for the get well wishes everyone. I shall ask for some help next time i need to shift some concrete blocks. I think I got the othe link working, but it is an old dio that some of you woulnd have seen, thanks for all the comments!
Peter: The ham is scratchbuilt, and the eggs are thick superglue, to give a bit of a 3D. There is a teddy bear in there too, but I don’t think the pics showed it up. There were also some apples, but the were so malformed they didn’t make the cut.
I will try to use my lay off (from modelling, not work, unfortunately) to improve my photography and site. I hope to dullcoat that SiG dio if possible, as that will be finished then.
Thanks again everyone. Now where’s the aspirin.[B)]
Nice dios. I noticed your figures are a little shiny on the first one but you said you were going to get them dulled. Good call. I hear that Testors makes the best duller.
I love the glowing deamon eyes you have on your pic on the title page…a true model builder!!! The second link worked fine for me.
I know you hurt your finger because us flyers are building tanks…and good ones too ( seriously get better, now back to joking around), can’t hardly blame ya for running away [;)].
Good site though can’t wait till you get more content.
Take care of yourself so you can phrooosh around again.
WOW!!! VERY GOOD STUFF [:D] The Towed gun dio is awesome.Love it.Sorry to here about the fingure. I know the feeling. I just about cut my pointer fingure off a few years back and was touring the U.S.A in a hard rock band,playing drums.really didnt need a left drum stick if ya know what I mean[8D]